Aesthetics and because they are higher up and less likely to get damaged

Are they also cheaper/easier to get hold of too?

I had enormous probs a couple of years back with getting two 1998 spec ones that don't have the indicators in, ended up fitting a S/H set with indicators.
So then, I finished them:

Then us Essex lot went on our Annual Christmas Laning day that we do every year on Saturday just gone. Didnt go well so Sunday mine looked like this:

Got it down to 2.5 hours which is good, and today after Alan gave hands on assistance, and Brian a Supervisory role it looked like this:

Heads off now (it was too dark to take pics) and will be off for a skim. Block needs replacing after the oil pump failed! Lots of work to do as we are booked on a Laning holiday in February!
Sorry to hear that Drizz :(

But I am very envious of the workshop :eek:

Bet that makes a clutch swap rather easy being able to pop the body off :cool:

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