Right time to update this, not to much has happened but a few little tweeks and some repairs.

The conduit is in together with the wiring to the aux battery, not connected yet as I have decided to fit a aux fuse box, to same a load of cables on the battery.

So I needed to make more room under the bonnet for the aux fuse box, found the best solution is to down size the power steering oil bottle as my D2 doesn't have ace fitted but uses the same size bottle, so I can half the size of it, after a good look round ebay it turned out a lexus IS200 had the right size pipes and nice rounf bottle with a bottle on bracket I could remover from the is200, went to my local scrap yard and got one. I drilled off the old bracket and modded the is200 one to bolt in place leaving room for the fuse box, (sorry don't seem to have any photos but will get some of it done) I also carried out a little mod to stop the power steering pipe rubbing on the sump, as I've read this is a common prob.

While under there I found I had a small water leak only lost 10 - 15mm out the bottle so just started it was coming from the fuel cooler, another common fault but one I hadn't read about at the time of doing my engine, easy job to do after any way. 2 new o rings from another land rover lover.

took 30 mins and only lost a little coolant.

I also now have a matching spare and 6 at2's

Also changed my tow ball from a ball and pin type to a alco one.

wasn't ever happy with the performance of the D2 and felt this more when we went away to decided this should be my first job after I got back, so putting the mod's off for now, but then had to go to plane B.

sls air bag blow just as I was unhitching the caravan on the drive, lucky or what.

Blown right off the lower mount

(sorry for the separate posts but got though a lot and it all locked up and had to start over to I make sure I load up each bit)

So ordered a new one and while I waited 36 hours I did some prep to both sides after I round out how easy the bags are to remove.

more to come when photobucket sort's itself
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Really great thread mate... Really like what you've done with your car. Nice photos, although you forgot to add one of the previous owner's jaw on the floor when he came around to see it....keep up the good work
was you away when the bag went? was there a big bang?

Just got home and was un hitching the caravan on the drive, so luck it didn't go on the road, don't want to think what mite of happened if it went while towing. And yes BIG bang like a gun going off and was went down in a split second. I will be replacing the other one as soon as funds allow and defo before I take the caravan again.
I then could start looking in to the performance or lack of, I had a boost gauge so just needed to plumb it in, which I did by drilling the egr bypass welding a nut on then using a push fit and running 6mm pipe to inside.

Well with the gauge plumbed in I found out my turbo wasn't producing enough psi 12 was the max but mainly around 9psi so sourced a good 83000 miles used turbo and ordered a new set of gaskets for manifold both sides of turbo and oil feed and return pipes.

took the heat shield off the other day and the aux battery came out in my lunch break to make live easier, prob would of been ok there but made it easier to get to the down pipe bolts from above.

loads of room

well if came off ok I knew I had one broken stud as found it laying near the a/c compressor the other week, so the manifold cam off as well, drilled a 3.2 mm hole down the centre of the broken stud and came out easy, but I broke another undoing it tonight loads sticking out of this one so I screwed a nut on it and welding it on to the stud, hoping the heat from the weld would also help, well no it snapped off closer, repeated it and same thing now with not much sticking out tried one more as it looks like it may need drilling and the closer to the head it is the less the drill will need to go through, but I couldn't get a god weld and it just broke away, so drilling tomorrow. I did have a chance to compare the 2 turbos though.



move pictures today of the turbo change.

this was the pain I left the night before after weldin nuts on 3 odd times and the stud just breaking more.

drilled it over size


Then I fitted a steel insert, so the hole is back to the standard size now.

once that was done I took the coolant bung out to reseal as there was a tiny pink mark around it, I didn't know these leaked when I did the engine and sometimes, if it aint broken don't fix it works well, but this time I had to come out I used a sump plug set which had a 12mm allen key in it, and some very high temp sealer.

New wurth studs in

do you like me funnel to put oil in the turbo, made from the sealant packet.

then a new belt which I've had as the aftermarket ones start to squeak on start up after a bit.

Already for road test,

That's better, then feeling happier I came home fitted the heat shield and battery tray back in.
Right time to get this handy boost gauge mounted, (wish I'd sorted it sooner now) I had some basic spec interior A pillar trims sent to be by a very nice member - mossa as the tweeter's were in the way, now I can't decide weather to remount my standard tweeter higher up or get some after market ones and put on the doors on the back of the mirror cover. So this is as far as I'm at as we speak.

bit more done to my A pillar trims, I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Just fits between the mounts

Now can you see what the extra holes for

The nearside one moved up too.

Any one want some A pillar trims with holes in ?


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