i know what you mean,
there was something "missing" about all of that,
can't put me finger on it, not sure i want to,
but somethin not quite right, i'm not proud to be judgemental,
but ****take aside it leaves me feeling uneasy.
Have you seen the latest posts on the other forum - well worth a laugh, when a member questions 3 people sitting up front -


true however I should say that my of my two friends one is 22 and 4'10" and the other will be 18, but is probably a size 6-8, also the older of the 2 friends used to know someone with a similar design land rover and they used to get 4up front aparently

What can you say!
Some of his comments are unusual..."I want to drive a Defender WAA WAAAH *throws rattle out of pram* " a typical example. He's taking a 17 year old girl who is a size 4-6 and he knows that this is American dress size zero.
He's had a dream where somebody gave him a series 1 Land rover in new condition, but knows this is unlikely to happen in reality.
Still, the other forum have taken him under their wing.
size zero = supermodel skinny you can keep them

i would rather have a woman look like a woman
Am Stalking it :hysterically_laughi Wonder if it's getting paranoid yet??
Am Stalking it :hysterically_laughi Wonder if it's getting paranoid yet??

You certainly are but at least you seem -

to be nicer now than when you were on the other forum - if you are the same person

Wish I had the details of the Transit van, could let the troops of Easterhouse, Garthamlock, Ruchazie, Possil and Drumchapel know that there are easy pickings heading past in July.

A Reprobate, A model and A springbok
You certainly are but at least you seem -

to be nicer now than when you were on the other forum - if you are the same person

Wish I had the details of the Transit van, could let the troops of Easterhouse, Garthamlock, Ruchazie, Possil and Drumchapel know that there are easy pickings heading past in July.

A Reprobate, A model and A springbok

Well one has to follow the rules of the forum one's posting on at the time. It just wouldn't be done to post on LURK using the same language and humor that's used on here. One has to maintain a sense of decorum and manners that would not only be out of place. But completely wasted on these reprobates :D
The guy's decided to rent a Ford Transit....as he's now said that he's taking a boat with him and needs somewhere to put it. I think that's end of story.
Anyone go on a fordtransit forum?? bet he's on there trying to con one out of some poor sap on there.
Anyone go on a fordtransit forum?? bet he's on there trying to con one out of some poor sap on there.

If he got himself a £100 banger that was all legal. He could breakdown at the start of his journey and get relayed up to scotland on the back of a breakdown truck. They could all sit on the back reats together then.:D:D:D
I don't recal him mentioning towing a RIB behind the borrowed/stolen landy.:eek::eek::eek:
why not try a Range Rover.

I will gladly hire mine to you but its a 2 door classic and she goes out at £400 a day..

Is there plenty room for loading loads of logs,chainsaws and a few other bits, and two smelly dogs. And would you be upset if it got stuck in a swamp up to the windows, I'm about to go into it for some trees but losing yours rather than mine seems a great option. Yippee 400 quid!!!.
Is there plenty room for loading loads of logs,chainsaws and a few other bits, and two smelly dogs. And would you be upset if it got stuck in a swamp up to the windows, I'm about to go into it for some trees but losing yours rather than mine seems a great option. Yippee 400 quid!!!.
mine chews trees all day and some smelly scott and his gypo dogs wont faze it.:D

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