You sure you got them brake discs on the right way round or is it just the way I`m looking at them ( I am very old after all ! )
Yes they are good, my first in-stink was the same than yours.......but for some reason I red the fitting bezaar I just about never read any
Soooooo got the end caps on now the diff and steering gear look good........

............the rims before powder coating...............

the tyres are waiting.........

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Thanx mate................

Look what I got..............................
and I eventually got the pannard rod fitted................
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Tomorrow it will be tyres fit and fit them to the vehicle......cant wait.......
I think why no one seems to comment is down to the fact its all done so nice.. there's nothing to question lol. You must be spending a fortune on powder coating!
The powder coater is extremely nice to me, otherwise I think I would have not done it.
Then I must add not everything is powder coated, the coolant expansion tank, the wheel hubs, the backing plates(not fitted yet), the swivel hubs, the wheel hub end caps are all painted by your truly.

You think really that is the reason for no comments.........ok.
We are all just too jealous at the great condition your Classic is in and the lovely shiny new parts you are throwing at it!

Please keep it coming!

Well.........thanx for that I was worried you guys are just keeping to yourself, I don't mind any comments/ critic as long as you don't get personal......

So today is the proof of the puddin.......... here goes hope you guys like it.........

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The only parts to fit is the backing plates and the brake lines, I am leaving the brake lines off because I need to lift the body to renew all the rubber mounts so the brake lines will go on last.
The best thing now.........I get to start on the rear now....cant wait.
You wont believe me, I thought it would look weird...................I was just discussing this with my wife and showing her the photos and it struck me I made a mistake by asking to put the white lettering inside, the problem I have is not swapping it around but having to remove the balance weights without damaging my newly powder coated rim's..............😰
You may get away without having the wheels balanced, or get them to use stick on weights on the inside of the rims. If i was you id get em swopped over but looking so good! wish i had the £ to throw at my disco. every time i get one thing fixed seems the next problem pops up!! But one day one day ha looking real good keep it up! You may not get that many comments but trust me we are watching :)
Well.......I could not resist.........
Took me about 30minutes 😁 to remove the weights off each wheel...........................and wholaaaaaaa 😛😛😛
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Don't like the colour of the wheels but the rest looks great.

There is method behind the madness.............not going to tell anything just watch the space, unless you just don't like green then I wont be able to turn you, and if you followed the tread from the were warned.....🙈
Looking at the pics it was a shame you weren't able to change the tyres round without damaging the paint on the wheels.
Thanx, I only realised what a #### I was after everything was fitted and I sat and looked through my photos......thank you guys for the

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