What would you do if you couldn't just make random threads on here asking pointless questions?

Do some research, buy some books, go and look at different vehicles and work it out.

You aren't going to make any progress (with a Landy or in life) if you expect everything to be spoon fed.
Thats a bit harsh. What might seem like pointless questions to some are valid to others. Asking questions on here is doing research, why spend hours pouring over books when someone on here mignt have the answer you are looking for. I bought my s3 109 station wagon without doing hardly any research apart from looking at different ones on ebay. My advice to anyone new to landies is what ever you want to pay for it expect to spend at least that same amount again in repairs.

Haynes manuals can be classed as.misinformation.

I have always found them to be very informative :)
Thanks both for the helpful info! 5 door it is!
As for "what would you do if..." I'de ask, why not make random threads? That's what the internet is for, after all. Its not like I can just go and find a bunch of land rovers and look at them side by side, the best I can do is look at some pictures on the internet, and hope that what I'm seeing is original LR and that theyre all like that.
Progress with land - Landy progress is happening, slowly. I decided when I got it that I was going to use it for a year before doing any mods, see what its good at, and what it's not so good at, and fix any problems that pop up, then get its next MoT and go from there. So far Ive fixed the lights (the connectors that plug into the headlights melted, because someome had put a 15A fuse in place of a 10A one) and very recently its not started, so the fuel filter is getting changed today (because it arrived today) - any tips on that? The nut thats next to the filter in absolutly rusted solid, and Im not too keen on using heat to fix the problem.
Progress with life - Ive held down a job as a TA for a year, and Im off to uni to do a physics degree, after doing quite well in school at GCSE and A level. Im relatively healthy and progressing decently in the gym. Ive got my sh1t together, especially for a 19yo. Theres a big difference between being spoon fed, and identifying the easiest, simplest, most efficient solution to a problem and following that course of action. For example:
"Insert LR related question?" - Google - nothing comes up, or not quite detailed enough, or not specific to UK rules, etc. what next? Buy some books? NO! No guarantee it will hold the answer to the question, expensive, and takes time to arrive in the post. Or just type the question on my clearly labelled "newbie idiot" thread, to communicate with people who are knowledgable and like talking about Land Rovers. Nobody is forcing you to read it, or answer it.
Thanks both for the helpful info! 5 door it is!
As for "what would you do if..." I'de ask, why not make random threads? That's what the internet is for, after all. Its not like I can just go and find a bunch of land rovers and look at them side by side, the best I can do is look at some pictures on the internet, and hope that what I'm seeing is original LR and that theyre all like that.
Progress with land - Landy progress is happening, slowly. I decided when I got it that I was going to use it for a year before doing any mods, see what its good at, and what it's not so good at, and fix any problems that pop up, then get its next MoT and go from there. So far Ive fixed the lights (the connectors that plug into the headlights melted, because someome had put a 15A fuse in place of a 10A one) and very recently its not started, so the fuel filter is getting changed today (because it arrived today) - any tips on that? The nut thats next to the filter in absolutly rusted solid, and Im not too keen on using heat to fix the problem.
Progress with life - Ive held down a job as a TA for a year, and Im off to uni to do a physics degree, after doing quite well in school at GCSE and A level. Im relatively healthy and progressing decently in the gym. Ive got my sh1t together, especially for a 19yo. Theres a big difference between being spoon fed, and identifying the easiest, simplest, most efficient solution to a problem and following that course of action. For example:
"Insert LR related question?" - Google - nothing comes up, or not quite detailed enough, or not specific to UK rules, etc. what next? Buy some books? NO! No guarantee it will hold the answer to the question, expensive, and takes time to arrive in the post. Or just type the question on my clearly labelled "newbie idiot" thread, to communicate with people who are knowledgable and like talking about Land Rovers. Nobody is forcing you to read it, or answer it.
Have confidence and remove the "Newbie Idiot" element. You now know a lot more than when you posted the first message in this chain.
About Land Rovers.
About life, and about the denizens of this forum (don't mix those two concepts).
I have been given absolutely invaluable solutions to P38 "issues" by various people herein... for which I am eternally grateful.
You might go off the idea after 12 months of constant maintenance. :)
And oh is it constant. I managed to get mine to a point that made me take my eye off the ball then did nothing but an oil change and put fuel in it for two years. I literally had to start from scratch. Even the rear crossmember I replaced seven years ago will need doing again because I didn’t waxoil the inside of the damn thing. Some components have been replaced three times since I brought it home because I replaced them with budget parts.
It’s not a cheap hobby by any means but being of an age I have a disposable income helps.
Or both?
My V8 disco is stupidly thirsty, especially at todays prices, its about 65p/mile in petrol, so its virtually useless, but I cant bring myself to sell it
Its not like I can just go and find a bunch of land rovers and look at them side by side

Go to any of the land rover shows/spares day and you absolutely can do this. look at the exhibit stands and walk around the carpark looking at every other land rover parked up. When I first got mine walking around the carpark of the shows was just as informative and interesting as going around the show itself.

And oh is it constant.

This is the most important thing to remember these vehicles are old and come from a time before fit and forget was a concept. With the mileage I do in mine I am doing an oil and filter change every 2-3 months, full transmission oil change every year, and a gearbox only last between 2-3 years before it needs to be refurbished, timing belt every 2 years, and that is not including all of the other parts that wear over time like suspension brakes etc.
After reading this thread I'm beginning to feel very stupid buying a s3 with a 10k rebuild budget instead of spending 12k on a decent d4.

Oh well, after being sat on the drive for 3 weeks, it's nearly time to get the pressure washer out and see what is left of it!

At least I've not gone into this blind or with rose tinted glasses.
Well, as a former s2 owner, I hope not!
Still, rather than hijacking this thread, I will start my own and become a proper member of this forum.
Any particular reason you want a 109.....quite clumsy in comparison to an 88"....very poor steering lock....more weight to drag around....less economical.

But none of that matters if its what you want.
Any particular reason you want a 109.....quite clumsy in comparison to an 88"....very poor steering lock....more weight to drag around....less economical.

But none of that matters if its what you want.
The big (and only) advantage of a 109 is the extra space.

So, Ive found something on fb marketplace (where all the best things are)
Its very clearly an 88 S3, but apparently its registered as a 109, so its obviously a ringer. Now, if its just a parts car, that doesnt matter, so, my question is, would it be within the realms of reasonable land rover purchases, and the law, to buy it and rebuild it onto a brand new 109 galv chassis? Is it possible to get the pannels needed to do this, or would I need to buy ankther body? (In which case its an entirely wasted excercise)
Personally I'd steer clear of anything with inconsistencies like that. Dealing with the DVLA isn't the easiest at the best of times, much less so when there is anything less than straightforward.

There are several possible explanations for the incorrect details and no-one on this forum is going to be able to give a definitive answer.
So, Ive found something on fb marketplace (where all the best things are)
Its very clearly an 88 S3, but apparently its registered as a 109, so its obviously a ringer. Now, if its just a parts car, that doesnt matter, so, my question is, would it be within the realms of reasonable land rover purchases, and the law, to buy it and rebuild it onto a brand new 109 galv chassis? Is it possible to get the pannels needed to do this, or would I need to buy ankther body? (In which case its an entirely wasted excercise)
I'd say stay away too. However , you would need the 109 back axle, roof , sides, tub,propshaft, possibly brakes, wiring loom or extend the 88, probably fuel tank, exhaust system, body mounting brackets and probably other bits and bobs too.
Front doors forward are the same and rear safari door are the same.

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