
Hi to you all. the wife has gone back horse riding so we now have a 500 kg
pet :confused: The menoporse is stange time for us men !!!!!!! Need To get a Landrover with enough power to tow the " Pushchair " for the new arrival

Any Ideas was thinking of a discovery ? Only problems are

1 crap with electonics

2 broke [ due to new arrival]

3 find it madness paying £6 a gallon for diesal when milk is only £3

Good Points

1 Not to bad with a mig

2 basic understanding of Suck,Squeze,Bang,Blow thingies

3 Have workshop

All coments welcome good,bad,funny,sad,ridiculus,


John N
ye a diesel disco should do you, they are cheap as 99% of them need welding doing, not too many electronics and parts are cheap enough
Welcome to the club Mr Bzwu. Get yourself a 4.6 V8 Rangey. That way the engine will drown out the sound of your new arrival when it goes into transmit mode AND the emissions will tranquilise your wife's horse when towing it behind, making it a lot easier to get back in the box again at the end of the day.
Not to bad with the "mirolights" as it happens used to be the reg of my old plane.
She was a gem to fly Well spotted Gratch.
Thanks for the feedback looks like a discovery with holes then

Regards john
Your user name looked like a british plane reg so i googled it (me dad was A.T.C at manchester and I was a plane spotter when I was younger:eek:;):D)

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