vosa's words are a mot take as long as it takes to do . these garages that take 30 mins to do it then 20 mins talking about it are wasting there own time and money . and as for the sunday morning oil fitters remark about changing it when u get home on a week day cos the oil is hot You are the type of idiot im taking about !!


Who's not having a very happy new year then. An wots an oil fitter then eh?
yes i admit im a **** but guess what so are you lot but i will leave you idiots to get along with each other .

Is it just me being 'an idiot' or did he have a wee bit of a chip on the old shoulder? I rekon his doctor must have prescribed him testosterone tablets to help him feel more of a man. You would have thought a Landy driver woulda had a bit more sense than to making dumb generalisations like that. He has to be a tree hugging mole sent in by greenpeace to split the landrover fraternity from the inside.
Grunts stick in the past attitude and his refusal to change his oil on a Sunday an at the correct temperature, was jist too much for his sensibilities. I quite understand his frustration. I mean hot oil on a weekday it's just not right.

Or maybe he was a **** who was so up his own arse. He couldn't bear the fact that we dint all fall down and worship him and his font of all knowledge.
Or maybe he was a **** who was so up his own arse. He couldn't bear the fact that we dint all fall down and worship him and his font of all knowledge.

I would be surprised if any car he tested was ever granted an MOT under his strict regime.
Aye he probably added extra bits to his MOT. Like wot day and temperature do yer change yer oil at? Grunt'd fail automatically.
ive changed oil in a deep fat frier whilst hot many a time.Do i get a a MOT?
The oil wouldnt come out cold and so we had to take it out at cooking temp.Worked in a burger joint for years!

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