Lee did you not read Grunt's **** take???

'Thus leaving sunday free for god' ?

Sundays are for greenlaning or going to pay and play sites :D

or stuck in your shed
whilst warm yes but hot you right in the head !!!! hot oil hands even if in gloves must be mad . would you change the oil in your deep fat frier whilst it was hot ? but hey you lot do what you want to .
mmmm warm oil i'm all a flutter now

i think there's a village someware missing there idiot..

btw sweetheart try changing the oil on a moxy or other quarry motor that can't be decommisioned for more than an hour start to finish..

where's your cool down period then ??
yes i did ian but i **** post it cos the orifice were shut, it shall be done on the morrow. i aint got a decent shocker by the way
Oooh at last someone worthy of DK's Crown. OH Ah'm looking forwards to 2008 new motta and a noo idiot. Ah'm all a flutter.
yes i admit im a **** but guess what so are you lot but i will leave you idiots to get along with each other .
Bastid this years int getting off to as good a start as ah thought it was.

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