
Well-Known Member
Thought I'd check my Series Tax and MOT details on the DVLA site as I'm having a run in with them over another vehicle. Its a 1970 S2A and it shows "Taxed" (its taxed free) but for the MOT it shows "No results returned" which is not the same as "not required" or "exempt". Can someone with a similar age vehicle check and see what comes up? thanks
"No results returned" is what comes up when I check my '69 Series and old tractor so I think your good.
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My tax reminder said this vehicle requires an mot but when I went on line I had to tick a declaration that my Henry was suitable for mot exemption. As far as I know that’s the end of the matter.
That is until VOSA pull me over and rip it to bits.
Yes the status on mine changed overnight from expired to no results returned when it became exempt.
It would have been useful to have access to the old MOTs but thats not possible now by the looks of it.
I wrote to them about the "no results" and got this reply:
Dear Mr Miles
Thank you for your email enquiry dated 1 August 2018, concerning the above.
Under new legislation that came into effect on 20 May 2018, certain vehicles constructed or first registered more than 40 years ago are now exempt from MOT testing, unless they have been substantially changed.
As long as the DVLA have a date of manufacture/first use on the vehicle record which shows the vehicle is over 40 years old, the on-line tax renewal system and other enforcement systems should automatically pick up that the vehicle is MOT exempt.
If, for some reason, the system is still not allowing a vehicle to be taxed, there is also a V112 (self-declaration from MOT) application form that can be completed and taken to a Post Office.
The V112 can be found here and was updated to show the above exemption on 20 May 2018.
I hope this information has assisted you with your enquiry, but if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Over 90% of customers surveyed are satisfied with the service we have provided. Let us know what you think by clicking here.
Kind regards
Louise Kiernan| Customer Service Centre
Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency | The Ellipse, Padley Road, Swansea, SA1 8AN
Phone: 0300 123 9000 |

Of course it didn't answer my question which was, "is "no results" the same as "MOT exempt""? to which it seems the answer is "yes" but you have to work that out as the DVLA won't tell you.
Hey all, sorry to hijack but it's related.

I'm doing my exemption today at the post office though I'm getting conflicted advice.

I was told that I just had to fill out the form (that was provided in a thread here) and present it when taxing the vehicle next. It's a 1968 build with first reg in 74/75 can't remember exactly.

However I went to the post office to check yesterday answered they said I had to send off my v5 with some amendments.

Could somebody run me down what needs to be done?

I'm going to go in to the post office again in 30-40 mins after finding the log book.



Woman in post office was wrong. Man told me that i just had to present it when taxing vehicle which is what i was first told. However V5 wasn't required and i was advised to keep the form on hand when driving prior to next taxing as the mot runs out prior to tax.
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i rang up Vosa or whoever recently about the same, he said you needed to fill out the v112 form and hand it in when taxing vehicle, I said mot expires before tax, he said no problem just get said form fill needed bit and leave it in landy until then
No forms needed if you renew your free tax on line. Like I said, it simply gives you the option to tick a box that tells them you have not altered the vehicle in any way that would stop you getting the none mot status.

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