I used a new Garmin Nuvi unit, then downloaded Olaf and another free French map on to it to give topography for Morocco, did it the night before we left and it all worked properly, as it turns out it's no big drama.
I ve got a Garmin Nuivi as well, so may do that, That sound the best way, I have a Samsung 10" tablet but would like to not go that big,

Thanks for your suggestions, no doubt will chat about all of these when we meet at the Show :)
I'm going the easter bank holiday 2016 returning on Sunday the 5th April, this time I'll probably be going for 2.5-3 weeks, that way I can have some food in France and Spain on the way down and not rush as much as last time.

Also, I only cleaned the sand out of Larry this weekend, its just stopped coming through the cooling system so I'm not dune bashing again, having said that if you have not done any of the dunes you should they are fun/agony.

Hi Chris. Just checking dates for 2016 trip; You mentioned above you were going out on the 25th March and back on the Sunday 5th April and intended staying out there for 2.5 to 3 weeks.
The dates don't add up? Sunday 's in April are the 3rd or 10th. Have we got round to finalising dates yet? If we are going for three weeks going out on the 25th March we would be returning on Friday 15th April.
Or have I missed a thread on here. I'm quiet happy going out on the 25th March and back on the 15th April, but I need to start thinking about booking my dates. What is everyone elses thoughts?
Just exchanged message's with Chris on FB. The dates we are talking around are: Going out on the Friday 18th March and heading back around Saturday 3rd April 2016 That gives us around 15 days.
How does that work for everyone else? Or would anyone else like to stay out there a few days longer?

Ok, so we have some dates for the proposed 2016 easter trip.

25th March (Friday) meeting point at campsite in Tafira for the RVP and cross into Morocco on the morning of the 26th (Saturday) from Algeciras into Tanger-Med

We will be returning into Spain on the morning of 7th (Thursday) then back into England Sunday 10th.

If you want to stop longer, no probs.

Hope these dates are good for all would be nice to all make it. It's a great little campsite right on the side of the coast. I'll try post a link to the campsite later.

Can't wait to go, get away from this snow!!!!!


Were these the dates you were on about Mike?

IIRC, Chris was going to stop longer as it was his, er milestone birthday, so wanted to see more and not rush?
Were these the dates you were on about Mike?

IIRC, Chris was going to stop longer as it was his, er milestone birthday, so wanted to see more and not rush?
The last communication I had with Chris a few days age he stated he originally got the dates wrong. He was planning on leaving the UK on Friday evening of the 18th March to head off down to Spain ready to do the crossing on the Monday morning. He has to be back by the 5th April. See copy of our message exchange.

Hi Chris. Just checking dates for 2016 trip; You mentioned on Landy zone you were going out on the 25th March and back on the Sunday 5th April and intended staying out there for 2.5 to 3 weeks. The dates don't add up? Sunday 's in April are the 3rd or 10th. Have we got round to finalising dates yet? If we are going for three weeks going out on the 25th March we would be returning on Friday 15th April. Or have I missed a thread on LZ. I'm quiet happy going out on the 25th March and back on the 15th April, but I need to start thinking about booking my dates. What is everyone elses thoughts?

Monday 12:19

Hi Mike,

I got that wrong, the UK bank oliday dates are the

25 March Good Friday 28 March Easter Monday

so I will be leaving the UK on the evening of the 18th March from the office to drive down

I should get o the crossing to go over by monday

or I could leave a day warlier


I need to be home on the 5th

so it would be best part of 2 weeks there

OK, so that's out on the 18th March and return around the 3rd April

Any idea how that works out with the others?

Maybe we should post something on the Morocco 20106 thread?

2016 that should be
Looking at the dates and the routes down to the ferries for Morocco I have a couple of questions
1. what routes are people taking to Spain, and whats the best routes down there?
2 then what ferry are we taking to Morocco ?
Don't know what route the others are taking as I will be travelling down from France. Last time we all met at a camp site in Algeciras which I have on file somewhere. We then took the 10:30 Ferry on the Monday morning.
The others will soon come in with the route down details.
Last time I did a group reservation to make sure we could all get on the same ferry.
Just tried to get a price for the Spain to Tangiers but the site does not work, just as an Idea what's the price?
Just tried to get a price for the Spain to Tangiers but the site does not work, just as an Idea what's the price?

Last time we went from Algeciras to the new port. We bought our tickets from a well known guy called Carlos in Algeciras. If I remember correctly we paid about 230 Euros (£165). For each vehicle; That was a return ticket. They won't have the prices for 2016 till nearer the time. I think we got the prices in February for a March crossing. I may have posted details on the Morocco 2014 thread somewhere.

Last time most of the group drove down through France. I think the crossing from Portsmouth to Spain worked out quiet expensive. james6546 might have some info on the cost of the crossing from Portsmouth to Spain. They recently did a trip to Portugal. They ended up driving down from Calais.
Hi guys. I'm sorry but once again we are going to have to pull out :(

I am doing the Mongol Rally (google it) with my brother next year, so won't have any time off/money for the Morocco trip. It sucks, but should also be the adventure of a lifetime.
Hi guys. I'm sorry but once again we are going to have to pull out :(

I am doing the Mongol Rally (google it) with my brother next year, so won't have any time off/money for the Morocco trip. It sucks, but should also be the adventure of a lifetime.

Booo, Mongolia is a trip I would like to do also. There is a guy on one of the threads on here somewhere out there at the moment. But he is doing it in his Defender and solo. The Mongolia rally you are doing is that the one where your supposed to do it in a crap car? or will you be going in your 90. This time next year I should be finished working and will have more spare time to give it further serious consideration.
Booo, Mongolia is a trip I would like to do also. There is a guy on one of the threads on here somewhere out there at the moment. But he is doing it in his Defender and solo. The Mongolia rally you are doing is that the one where your supposed to do it in a crap car? or will you be going in your 90. This time next year I should be finished working and will have more spare time to give it further serious consideration.
In a crap car. There are about 300 people who do it each year. It sounds amazing, but terrifying at the same time!

Got a thread for it now
Turns out if you buy the tickets through Carlos they are 230 euros, I bought them through the campsite at 225 euros, so no need to go a find him after 32 hours non stop from home, I paid 225 euros Al, whatever its called, to Tanger Med return, paid 25 euros to campsite and settled up the next day piers use at some booth the other 200 eiros
Turns out if you buy the tickets through Carlos they are 230 euros, I bought them through the campsite at 225 euros, so no need to go a find him after 32 hours non stop from home, I paid 225 euros Al, whatever its called, to Tanger Med return, paid 25 euros to campsite and settled up the next day piers use at some booth the other 200 eiros
Is that to the new port in Tangiers or the old one?
It was the new port, I was quite impressed with it, no hassle and kind of organised, think we took about a hour and half to get through/
Yes, we used the new port and went through fairly quickly. Might try booking through the camp site next time round. One advantage we got by booking through Carlos was a goody bag. Bottle of Cider I think it was and some cakes and stuff like that. It only took us about half an hour or so to collect our tickets from Carlos. I wanted to make sure we could all get on the same ferry.
Fair enough, we arrived at around 9am at the campsite near Tarifa and then got the ferry to meet Ken the next day so it was a rush, this time around I think your planning to go on the Monday? I have a Danish mate who wants to bring his 110, he would send it to Spain on a train.
Who is going to the LRO show? And how will I find any of you?

Oh I was going to book the Santandar ferry but it occurred to me I don't actually know the dates you guys are going.
Who is going to the LRO show? And how will I find any of you?

Oh I was going to book the Santandar ferry but it occurred to me I don't actually know the dates you guys are going.

Hi, Below you should see an exchange between Chris and I. Chris is setting off after work on Friday the 18th March 2016. I think the plan is we all meet up at the campsite over the weekend. Then set off on the Monday for a 10:00 crossing to Morocco. If your going to the LRO show Chris and the two truckers said they were going. I'm sure they will get back to you. I would like to go but still not sure if I can make it. I would wait before booking your crossing till all the others have confirmed.
I saw James6546 has dropped out. He is off on the Mongolia rally.
The last communication I had with Chris a few days age he stated he originally got the dates wrong. He was planning on leaving the UK on Friday evening of the 18th March to head off down to Spain ready to do the crossing on the Monday morning. He has to be back by the 5th April. See copy of our message exchange.
I'm getting quiet good with this site. manage to insert a quote.

Hi Chris. Just checking dates for 2016 trip; You mentioned on Landy zone you were going out on the 25th March and back on the Sunday 5th April and intended staying out there for 2.5 to 3 weeks. The dates don't add up? Sunday 's in April are the 3rd or 10th. Have we got round to finalising dates yet? If we are going for three weeks going out on the 25th March we would be returning on Friday 15th April. Or have I missed a thread on LZ. I'm quiet happy going out on the 25th March and back on the 15th April, but I need to start thinking about booking my dates. What is everyone elses thoughts?

Monday 12:19

Hi Mike,

I got that wrong, the UK bank oliday dates are the

25 March Good Friday 28 March Easter Monday

so I will be leaving the UK on the evening of the 18th March from the office to drive down

I should get o the crossing to go over by monday

or I could leave a day warlier


I need to be home on the 5th

so it would be best part of 2 weeks there

OK, so that's out on the 18th March and return around the 3rd April

Any idea how that works out with the others?

Maybe we should post something on the Morocco 20106 thread?

2016 that should be

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