Thanks Mike, my Danish contingent were asking about dates so it's going to be roughly 18th - and in my case getting the ferry back on the 3rd or 4th.

Just been going through my 110 and apart from a few bushes that I want to change its pretty much ready to go again, in fact as I writte this it's having the interior valeted to get the sand coloured powder out! I I gave up trying myself.
Mine still has sand in it from our last trip, I gave up trying to get it all out. Even wadding through rivers hasn't got shot of it. Anyway in 6 months time it will have been a waste of time.
I even tried pressure washer, once the water dries the sand is still there. I personally think it makes my Defender look more butch so I'm resign to the fact its there and will be. Not many people can say there have part of the Sahara in their car.
Who is going to the LRO show? And how will I find any of you?

Oh I was going to book the Santandar ferry but it occurred to me I don't actually know the dates you guys are going.

Rachel and I will be there, we are not sure if we will be in the Defender or Disco as the Disco is up for sale. I'll stick Desert Dog back on the roof, not that you all know what that is, but it my mind you will be able to find us easier. Or you can PM me your mobile number and I'll txt you when we get there on Friday.

If everyone PM's me thier emails for those who are going I'll get the dates and proposed routes out, but its simple everyone try to end up in Morocco at the same time. I have to goto Marrakesh airport to pickup Rachel a the day after getting into Morocco so if people want us to meet them down south somewhere then we will arrage a meetup. I beleieve Sid and Adam wand to do that horrible dunes Ken, Mike and I did last time. Personally this time I'd like to be drinking beer in a hotel waiting for them to arrive and sending cheeky txt like "oh this beer is cold".

Also, last time we all brough the same spares, so I'd like to organise us taking some relevant spares each and not everyone having, all fluids. Having said that barings and stub axels are probably all different on each car.
Thanks Mike, my Danish contingent were asking about dates so it's going to be roughly 18th - and in my case getting the ferry back on the 3rd or 4th.

Just been going through my 110 and apart from a few bushes that I want to change its pretty much ready to go again, in fact as I writte this it's having the interior valeted to get the sand coloured powder out! I I gave up trying myself.

I had a spot that wasn't working so I thought I would fix it. Ended buggering up the other one. Ripped them both off. I have now ordered some LED ones plus a 120 w Led roof bar.
I'll PM you my number, I will be at LRO Saturday daytime as I wont be camping as I am going to Germany the next day.
Well my USA trip is delayed about 18 months so I hope you all will not mind me tagging along - promise not to suggest any routes, unless you want me to of course. I'm surprised but delighted Sid and Adam want to do the dunes again. Will not be able to go to the show in a few days as thinking of making a last minute trip to Turkey next week if the 110 is ready - it is still in garage as having the gearing in transfer box changed from 1.4 to 1.2 and there are still a few nasty rattles.
Well my USA trip is delayed about 18 months so I hope you all will not mind me tagging along - promise not to suggest any routes, unless you want me to of course. I'm surprised but delighted Sid and Adam want to do the dunes again. Will not be able to go to the show in a few days as thinking of making a last minute trip to Turkey next week if the 110 is ready - it is still in garage as having the gearing in transfer box changed from 1.4 to 1.2 and there are still a few nasty rattles.

Great news, although sorry to hear you are going to have to wait another 18 months to do your USA trip. I thought you were all set. I think the dunes Chris suggested Sid & Adam were going to do is the one they missed out on. You Chris and I did it whilst the Garsides were getting there 90 fixed.
Great news, although sorry to hear you are going to have to wait another 18 months to do your USA trip. I thought you were all set. I think the dunes Chris suggested Sid & Adam were going to do is the one they missed out on. You Chris and I did it whilst the Garsides were getting there 90 fixed.
Ah yes I remember - a lot of sand I mean water under the bridge since then.
The river gorge near Tata that Ken took us to, was really good and the border of Algeria between Zagora and Tata was another good stretch., Ken, I had a new 1.2 transfer box fitted when I got back and its made my 110 so much better to drive, sits at 80MPH at 2900 rpms now, and yet the low range gears are still the same, oh and a new rear diff as I thought it had a noise, turns out it was a brake pad in one of the rear callipers and not the diff! So I might as well get the front diff rebuilt so that the transfer box and diffs are all the same age.
Well well looks like the old crew + 1, and my 1:2 transfer box goes in on the 28th, Mike get a cross drilled input gear fittet as well as changin the bearings if you get yours done.

Ken, it ok , good to have you along, I'll bring a saline drip with me this time to keep you going.

MrNasty 80mph in a Land Rover somethign I can only draem of because I would not have any hearing left if I did that in Jo. I got my light bar, bearings, bed room, and various bits ordered to fit this weekend.
Well I think I got a bit mixed up - I swapped my gearbox/transfer box for one in a red 110 I got last year - unknown to me the transfer box that was in the red one had a 1.2 ratio gearing. A few long drives along country lanes and was always changing gear and up inclines a rev up in first and it would not pull away in second. So rather than changing from a 1.4 to a 1.2 as I said am actually changing from a 1.2 to a 1.4. That means I have a 1.2 gear with the cross drilled input gear to sell - and this has come out of a Ashcrofts transfer box having done only about 2,000 miles!!.

Ken, it ok , good to have you along, I'll bring a saline drip with me this time to keep you going.

I'll hold you to that!.
The river gorge near Tata that Ken took us to, was really good and the border of Algeria between Zagora and Tata was another good stretch., Ken, I had a new 1.2 transfer box fitted when I got back and its made my 110 so much better to drive, sits at 80MPH at 2900 rpms now, and yet the low range gears are still the same, oh and a new rear diff as I thought it had a noise, turns out it was a brake pad in one of the rear callipers and not the diff! So I might as well get the front diff rebuilt so that the transfer box and diffs are all the same age.
Trouble is I never go above 70 on a good day and found with the 1.2 I never got out of 4th.
I have pondered over going from a 1:4 to a 1:2 transfer box. I wouldn't want to loose any low down grunt. Mine has cruised at 70 mph all day without any problems and seems quiet comfortable. On the last trip to Morocco I can only remember going into low ratio once. I think to be in low ratio all the time would be very slow. The other side of the argument is Discoveries seem to cope with a 1:2. I think for my driving around here which is mostly country lanes a 1:4 works fine. Just as a matter of interest Chris what are you asking for the 1:2 box?
Hi, not asking for, I'm buying one.

I'm a bit confused which is quiet easily done just after a Sunday lunch. Having read all the post again I see its Ken that is selling one now.

Well I think I got a bit mixed up - I swapped my gearbox/transfer box for one in a red 110 I got last year - unknown to me the transfer box that was in the red one had a 1.2 ratio gearing. A few long drives along country lanes and was always changing gear and up inclines a rev up in first and it would not pull away in second. So rather than changing from a 1.4 to a 1.2 as I said am actually changing from a 1.2 to a 1.4. That means I have a 1.2 gear with the cross drilled input gear to sell - and this has come out of a Ashcrofts transfer box having done only about 2,000 miles!!.

Just as a matter of interest Ken, how much are you looking for the T/Box?
Hi Mike - I bought the 1.4 gears from Ashcrofts so I didn't have to fork out for a T/box - so I have a nearly new 1.2 set for say £165 - will show pictures of them when the job is done.
]You do need some poke for a 1.2 I agree, *ahem, remapped Td5, anyway, so I'm not going to bother to take two spare wheels this time on the roof as it made the truck in my opinion a little top heavy, so I will get one of those wheel carrier things for the tailgate. How many nights camping would you say we will do this trip? Just wanting an idea for racking and a better storage system, as I want to carry less crap, but more beer, whilst I appreciated Kens offer of a battered and sanded can of cider, I don't want to run out again.

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