Tente 2 seconds EASY 2 vert QUECHUA - Tente Randonnée, Camping - Decathlon
The above is what I went for. Only €50, fits on a 110 roof rack. Can be put up in a couple of seconds and folded away in about 10 seconds. Takes hardly any room. Can be used on the roof or on the ground. A proper roof tent is quiet expensive. Has to be fitted. uses more load space. Has to be dismantled when you finished your trip. I don't think they are worth all that money. I found the above worked very well.

Morocco 1 089-001 by MichaelWills.fr, on Flickr

DSC_6482 by MichaelWills.fr, on Flickr
So I have on my list to sort out before I go:

Water Carriers
Dual battery setup
Hi Lift mount
Spare wheel carrier
Spare Parts
Steering guard

probably a bunch more stuff.

Table & Chairs.
Mattress of some sort & Sleeping bag.
Cooking utensils.
Drinking water.
Tool kit
First aid kit.
Photo copies of vehicle registration and passport details to hand in at check points.
Navigation, maps.
Jerry cans for fuel.
Just to name but a few of the top of my head.
Especially when you let it fly out the window like a long streamer across the desert. Could have been a new script for a Andrex advert. Not mentioning any names here, but he drove a white 110 and it was the old fellow.
Haha, thanks for the hints and list.

The one I made was mostly stuff I need to get.

Wouldn't fit a roof tent on my 90!

I saw some roof tents at the lro show, and they are pretty nice bits of kit. Also been watching a series about some Americans exploring Canada and their setup looks awesome.

Got the gearbox off on my 90 engine, so should make some progress this weekend
Haha, thanks for the hints and list.

The one I made was mostly stuff I need to get.

Wouldn't fit a roof tent on my 90!

I saw some roof tents at the lro show, and they are pretty nice bits of kit. Also been watching a series about some Americans exploring Canada and their setup looks awesome.

Got the gearbox off on my 90 engine, so should make some progress this weekend

New AP clutch and DMF for me Saturday too. Phase one underway.

Why the Espri, I had one in the 80's a S3 red and white, what a terrible car, went like stink, held the road, but a nightmare.

Mind you it did have the same door handles as my Disco though.

Why the Espri, I had one in the 80's a S3 red and white, what a terrible car, went like stink, held the road, but a nightmare.

Mind you it did have the same door handles as my Disco though.

My grandad used to have Esprits. Loved them.
Said awning... was used loads during the trip :5bcheers2:

You'll also want a good tyre compressor.
The t-max dual jobbies are pretty good, think Spacedawg had one. Mine wasn't too bad but they get bloody hot airing up 4 big tyres.
You'll also want a good tyre compressor.
The t-max dual jobbies are pretty good, think Spacedawg had one. Mine wasn't too bad but they get bloody hot airing up 4 big tyres.

Ok, any that aren't hundreds of pounds?!

I normally just use my Mazda one that came with my car which is pretty good, but I'm guessing wouldn't be up to the job...
Ok, any that aren't hundreds of pounds?!

I normally just use my Mazda one that came with my car which is pretty good, but I'm guessing wouldn't be up to the job...

Tmaxx adventure hd less than £100
So what are we thinking for navigation?

I'm going to plumb my tablet in, so will test out some apps, what do we need to be able to do?
So what are we thinking for navigation?

I'm going to plumb my tablet in, so will test out some apps, what do we need to be able to do?

This is something I'm trying to work on at the moment. Last trip I just coasted along with the others. I did have a map to look the part. The next trip I would like to go through the Atlas mountains down to Agadir then onto the beach down the Plage Blanch. Should be easier to navigate as we just keep the sea to out right going down and left coming back. I'm trying looking into MapSourse and BaseCamp mapping. Not making much headway at the moment.
I can't rely on my mate for much help. When we got of the ferry in Spain on the way back it took him almost five minutes before he realised he was still looking at the map of Morocco and was wandering why he couldn't find Malaga.
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So, lots of options for mapping. Depends on what tablet you're taking. Obviously you need to download the maps before you go.
I used OpenStreetMaps on my pokey HTC desire, downloaded detailed map of morocco on the friday morning before we left.
It has user contributed roads and tracks, even those over the moountain roads that just looked like mars.
The android app osmand, free version too, is what i used. you can download 10 maps for free i think.
I also had my panasonic toughbook with linux Mint and Navit on it, but for some reason if failed to load :/
Sharing GPS from my trusty desire let me pair it with the laptop, althoug the laptop had built-in GPS it too failed to initialize; Working on this now.

Hand held sat nav's are ok for major and some minor roads, but even the paper michellin map we had didn't have many of the minor roads on them, even in built up areas.
The olaf maps or waypoint or whatever they are, seem to work with specific garman maps n stuff. Never really bothered much with them.
Next time, i'll be using OSM with a **** load of POI's and waypoints loaded on them, spare BT GPS unit just in case and a copy of oamand on my desire :)
Sync this up with a eyefi card in the camera and plot your pics on google earth, when you get back, along with the route. Laptop will be recording route positions as we drive.
While i'm on a geeky rant, if you have a BT OBD reader, you could log all engine stats at same time too... How sad is that!.....

Now, where's my OBD reader......:der:

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