i have been looking at the rebuild thread hes done alot of work i hope you enjoy the trip as much as i did. i just want to go again now but will probably have to wait till next year till i have saved up some more money.
Once off that ferry from Tangiers, were making a break for northern Spain's ferry ports. I can't be arsed with endless motorways in a Defender for a couple of days each way, I just don't think mentally I could cope, so I'm getting the ferry outta Dodge.
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A remapped td5 Defender is quickish, just the low gearing makes it a bit revvy over 80mph.
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True that. I have an MOT due in Feb somewhere, think I'll book it in with you guys and pay for an extra hour or so for the professionals to give it a once over :D

The roof tent will have a mattress too, I don't think sleeping in a 90 would be very fun!

I shall inspect myself :p as long as the exhaust and brake pipes are nice and tidy I'll be happy :D

No ive slept in my 90 a few times, not the most pleasurable expreience :eek:

Im hopefully going for the double and duvet :D
I've had my TD5 off the clock, but its screaming, too long of that and I would be pulling pieces of cam shaft from my teeth for a week, I could look for a 1.2 transfer box to gear it up, but in all honesty I don't think I want to suggest to the Home Office Financial controller I need another £1200 for that, as I lied, sorry, under valued how much finding a clean TD5 110 double cab would be, and then all the necessary crap that had to be done to it, as I'm a self confessed anal about preparing and replacing things. Still as things stand she is happy for me to bugger off with my mate for a couple of weeks, if not only for the reason that I cant spend too much money, and she gets a break from me talking edlessly about classic cars and Landys constantly lol

Yes ive had my disco up yo 108 on zee german autobahn then got scared :eek:
We have a tuff trek tt02. Our Tents - Tuff-Trek
Hopefully be able to remove the annex for this but then hide from Scottish or European weather/bugs on future trips. Those flying ants were ridiculous this year!

just got to get it, fit it and have a play setting it up now.

Looks very nice and not a bad price. Especially if you are planning future trips. The annex would be useful when in the Atlas mountains as it can get cold in the evening. We managed last time by putting up a cover and having a BBQ underneath.
I shall inspect myself :p as long as the exhaust and brake pipes are nice and tidy I'll be happy :D

No ive slept in my 90 a few times, not the most pleasurable expreience :eek:

Im hopefully going for the double and duvet :D

Damnit! The exhaust is better, but still pretty bad, and my brake pipes look the same as when you saw them, just not touching as much!
Aye, it's more the money problem :eek:
And it'd be a massive expenditure to get it expedition ready.
Have to see how it goes in the new year, a job would be a start, or at least one that has some work :(
It's actually more time away than I was thinking.

There's always 2016. I'd love to go next year, but will have to wait till 2016 trip.
Give you plenty time to save up and prep the motor.
Sure there'll be a couple of other going from this thread too... Garsides, Oldun and Mikescubba no doubt :)
There's always 2016. I'd love to go next year, but will have to wait till 2016 trip.
Give you plenty time to save up and prep the motor.
Sure there'll be a couple of other going from this thread too... Garsides, Oldun and Mikescubba no doubt :)

Yes I had seen the 2016 thread too :) and I think it is a more realistic time scale.
Don't get me wrong it's not the time scale now really, but I wont have the money to get everything I'd want between now and then I wouldn't think.
Unless I get work fulltime between now until then, which isn't likely and would still be tight.
Plus at least by then the motor will have had a massive shakedown which it most definitely needs as it's just been rebuilt and will no doubt be teething problems.
Hiya ... Rather than wade though 28 pages, could you give me the dates of the 2015 Moroccan trip? Ta!
Originally Posted by mikescuba View Post
Just throwing some dates down. How does meeting up at a Camp site in Algacerias on Sunday 29th March 2015. Ferry to Morocco Monday morning 30th March.
Friday 3rd April is good Friday.
Then crossing back to Spain on Friday 17th April which then gives everyone the weekend to travel back and get unloaded ready for work on Monday 20th April.
Ok, so I'm thinking to book this soonish as the prices are going up quickly, so I have some rough calculations:

Channel tunnel:
Tickets £162
1356 miles from Calais to Algeciras @ 30mpg and £1.20/l = £246*2
Tolls £100
Plus camping unless we are going to do it in one run
= £754

Ferry from Portsmouth to Santander:
Tickets £608
626 miles from Santander to Algeciras = £110*2
= £828

So not really much in it. So I guess the decision is seasickness or lots of driving!

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