Just had a thought, dunno how useful it would be for stuff like this - probably not very much - but there's an app available on Google Play and the Apple Store called JESIP (free to download btw) which is a uselful aide memoire for multi agency responses. Ok this isn't what its aimed at, but it may suit as a handrail.

And for any of you who are in local 4x4 response groups, it's the aide memoire that will be used by the civil powers, so it's worth having a working knowledge of.
Peeps can also "watch" the LZIR section by clicking "watch" at the top right of the main LZIR section page. Any new freds created... they will automatically receive a pop up (when logging into LZ or if yer already logged in) and an email notification to yer registered email account. That's assuming yer has pop up and email enabled. I does. I also have the same "watch" ont Stolen section anorl.
There is also the thing that not all of us are tied to our phones 24/7 , so may not see when a text arrives until much later, if that is cause not to be on LZIR then better remove me.



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