What worries me is attending an innocent head gasket problem in say.................. Bristol, and before you know it all your cake has gone.

Perhaps if you take cake it might distract the ferocious beast and you could attach a tow rope.

I suspect we shall never know whether the chap in wales was being economical with the truth on purpose, or just completely incapable of judging the situation. I suspect a bit of both.

@goonarmy almost seems to be suggesting that LZIR members should stop responding to requests for help simply because of one incident that went wrong.

I think what is important is that people responding to requests on LZIR are doing so of their own free will. The system can perhaps be improved to help improve their safety, but it is down to individual members whether or not they are willing to go out.

It is arguably a lot safer that a response takes place via this forum than over facebook - at least here there are a number of people knowing what is happening and keeping an eye out.
That's not what I'm suggesting. I assess risk for people that I put to work. If I had been remotely involved in what happened last night-not even responsible, I would be boll*&ked then sacked. Simple as that. If we are gonna have a go at doing what professionals should be doing we should attempt to do it in a professional manner. Again, less speed more haste. Someone gets into trouble it's not our responsibility to get them out.
That's not what I'm suggesting. I assess risk for people that I put to work. If I had been remotely involved in what happened last night-not even responsible, I would be boll*&ked then sacked. Simple as that. If we are gonna have a go at doing what professionals should be doing we should attempt to do it in a professional manner. Again, less speed more haste. Someone gets into trouble it's not our responsibility to get them out.
would you like to help?
OK, I do hear what @neilly and others have commented on regarding my health (or lack of it).
I try not to dwell on it or let it get in the way of my life, even though I know it does. I'm not one of those you'd find sitting in the doctor's waiting room every week, I've got better things to do.
Yes, I realise now that I made some mistakes and took some maybe unnecessary risks and placed others at risk too, but given the sparse information I had, my own desire to just get on with life and the fact that nobody told me or anybody else that the CR-V was at the bottom of a 45 degree drop.
Had I been provided with all the relevant information, my decisions would have been different.
please do. watch the LZIR forum and post your Q's/concerns.
I've always watched it. Whilst I don't
Own a landy I quite often have one at my disposal. I also own recovery gear. And a selection of spades for when it gets basic. I have a lot of recovery experience (usually me own motor) and more ppe/outdoor kit than I know what to do with. But generally I'm in essex/east London and drive a focus. Not much call for stuff down this way. And I work away alot. I watch to see if i can help, usually not.
OK, I do hear what @neilly and others have commented on regarding my health (or lack of it).
I try not to dwell on it or let it get in the way of my life, even though I know it does. I'm not one of those you'd find sitting in the doctor's waiting room every week, I've got better things to do.
Yes, I realise now that I made some mistakes and took some maybe unnecessary risks and placed others at risk too, but given the sparse information I had, my own desire to just get on with life and the fact that nobody told me or anybody else that the CR-V was at the bottom of a 45 degree drop.
Had I been provided with all the relevant information, my decisions would have been different.

As I said before @brian47, it was with respect I said what I did, not out of any form of malice. If anything it is a very good lesson for us all to learn to make sure we are working in a safe way to try and avoid the risks involved.

OK, I do hear what @neilly and others have commented on regarding my health (or lack of it).
I try not to dwell on it or let it get in the way of my life, even though I know it does. I'm not one of those you'd find sitting in the doctor's waiting room every week, I've got better things to do.
Yes, I realise now that I made some mistakes and took some maybe unnecessary risks and placed others at risk too, but given the sparse information I had, my own desire to just get on with life and the fact that nobody told me or anybody else that the CR-V was at the bottom of a 45 degree drop.
Had I been provided with all the relevant information, my decisions would have been different.
It was a good effort mate. The OP is the only one to have justify him self.
As I said before @brian47, it was with respect I said what I did, not out of any form of malice. If anything it is a very good lesson for us all to learn to make sure we are working in a safe way to try and avoid the risks involved.

When I said that I'm not one of those you'd find sitting in the doctor's waiting room, I even take my own blood pressure record them on an Excel spreadsheet and take them to him once every six months or so. :)
OK, I do hear what @neilly and others have commented on regarding my health (or lack of it).
I try not to dwell on it or let it get in the way of my life, even though I know it does. I'm not one of those you'd find sitting in the doctor's waiting room every week, I've got better things to do.
Yes, I realise now that I made some mistakes and took some maybe unnecessary risks and placed others at risk too, but given the sparse information I had, my own desire to just get on with life and the fact that nobody told me or anybody else that the CR-V was at the bottom of a 45 degree drop.
Had I been provided with all the relevant information, my decisions would have been different.

Nothing to be ashamed of, Brian. I am pretty fit, and I would be pleased to get a D2 up that slope! :eek::D
I’ve always considered joining LZIR but I am very reluctant to rescue / recover strangers for risk of them damaging my vehicle or trying to claim against me for damage to theirs. There are, as mentioned, other support to offer such as a warm dry place to sit, a lift to safety, spare parts or advice

A lot of the LZIR situations I feel are genuine members/contributors after minor ‘assistance’ which I may be happy to offer but we need to watch as a few have been silly people or cheepskates after ‘full recovery’. Anything which is ‘urgent’ should be a call to 999 or a professional service.

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