Disco Inferno

New Member
Right im going to start by saying I know this is the series landy section but after posting in the disco section ive had no joy:( . It seems that the masses of disco owners have black electronic boxes under the bonnet but mines a very early twin su carb and im wondering if anyone knows whick way to turn the mixture screws to lean the mixture. I know unless you have done a major form of engine transplant (or running a diesel) then you will have a carb bolted on to your engine. Please help!!! It may help my posting a disco querie in this section by mentioning I also have a series 3:D
Balancing SU carbs is supposed to be a black art... You may want to find a man with the right guages, etc to do it. Never tried myself but can imagine the problems just sitting here...
Timing has been done and so has the balancing. Both mixture screws have then been turned fully clockwise to give a starting point and backed off three and a half turns anti clockwise but the motor is burbling and making a "put, put, put" noise at tick over (Highly technical description!) It smells rich like the choke is on even when its been fully pushed in. Just thought id check to see if anyone had done it before I turn the screws the wrong way and cause a mini meltdown in my driveway:eek: . Im going to check for replys at about 6pm when I get home from work today but failing that im just going to have a crack at it.

Wish me luck!

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