Got the back door on today. Still to fit the lock and glaze it but it looks pretty good. The Wife also finished the centre seat.
Also painted the steering wheel.
Can't believe I've not finished this yet but everything seems to take longer than it should.
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Nice seat covers. I've been looking for a recover kit to do 2 defender seats I've reclaimed but no one has that pattern anymore. Where did you get yours?
My Wife made them. We just bought a roll of material off eBay and used the left over vinyl we had for doing the dash.

Norrie .
Well that's it pretty much finished. It's taxed and insured for an agreed value of £10,000. It's taken 7 Months which I don't think is too bad. There is some other jobs still to do like refurbish and fit the rear bench seats but that can get done anytime.
Hope you like it.
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Hope to see some of you out on the road.

Bloomin good job ,you can be proud of that and the Mrs did a grand job on the seats as well.:)
Well not all has gone to plan so far I've not made it to the road yet. I had some issues with water in the fuel so had to take the tank out and clean it. Also the new fuel pump packed in (Britpart). It still isn't running properly although I am waiting on my replacement pump so I am hoping that is all it is. It also looks as the though the heater matrix is leaking. Welcome to Land Rover ownership. LOL.
I've managed a couple of runs up and down the track and that's it.


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