Waxoyled the chassis today. Had to drill a couple of extra holes to get good coverage but pumped about 2.5 litres in there.
Thanks guys. Had a day off yesterday. Going to fit the exhaust today and fill it with coolant. Hopefully it will still run.

Fitted the exhaust and fuel tank. Filled the red with coolant. Fitted the battery and it started although only for a short while as I think I'm out of fuel.
Getting excited now. :)
well I've been prepping the front wings for paint today. I've split the outer wings away from the inner wings. I got 2 used wings which were better nick that the ones that were on mine. However after rubbing one down it was full of filler on the top so I am using one of my original inner wings. I had to make up a couple of repair panels. I cut one of the skins off my old Defender doors and used that as a repair panel.

Some of the panels primed and one outer skin actually got some.colour on it. I'm going to try and have the front end painted and fitted by the weekend.
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Powerspark from eBay. £75 for the dizzy and leads. £17 for the coil.
I'm sure there are other ways to go but this is the way I have gone. Started the engine fine afterwards.. However decided to remove the carb afterwards to reseal it and the spacer broke so haven't set the timing or anything yet. Decided on a new carb as well so will update after I've renewed that and set everything up.

Some tub repairs today. Not the prettiest but you won't really see it once it's back on the car. Got to finish prepping it for paint now.
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