Managed to get the drivers side wing back on and the tub prepped for painting.
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Finish looks really good for painting by hand. Got mine to do and I'll be pleased if it comes out like that. Looks a similar colour to the paint I have too - mines pageant blue. Is 5 litres of cellulose and thinners enough?
Finished painting the tub and got it lifted back into place. I just had to rivet on some of the cappings to see what it looked like.
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Norrie .
That looks terrific for a hand application of the paint - well done! The new galvanized parts looking cracking as well. Great job!
Not been very well lately so progress is slow. Managed to get the tub bolted in place and fitted the rear lights etc.
Also started painting the door tops.
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Thanks. Still.not great as got an ear infection In both ears.
Managed to wire up the rear lights today and the trailer socket. Also got the front lights back in. Getting there although slower than I wish.

Norrie .
Finally finished the front end. I fitted the bonnet and it was totally out of alignment so had to loosen off the rad panel and elongate the holes. It wasn't the original and had been welded but the holes must have been slightly out. I shut the bonnet before tightening it all back up and then couldn't get the bonnet open. Eventually got it back open and adjusted everything ok. Also painted the seat box, floor pans, gearbox tunnel etc. Finally feel as if I'm getting somewhere.
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Norrie .

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