ha! who's laffin at their own jokes now, wot friggin planet are u guys on? u bin breathin too many diesel fumes sposed ta drink it not sniff it. so wots the better drop in this bar synthetic or mineral?
ha! who's laffin at their own jokes now, wot friggin planet are u guys on? u bin breathin too many diesel fumes sposed ta drink it not sniff it. so wots the better drop in this bar synthetic or mineral?
yup buzz. . . .um zog. ya can order whatever ya want ta drink. . . .un yep this is the most crazy forum on the web,they can help you, un take the mick, or slaughter ya its your choice, know wot i'd go for. . . .ive bin slaughterd but i jist take it. . .:) :) :)
not only has he bin slaughtered, but his dog has been blown to bits, shot and generally disposed of.

Morning Minge
'is dogs bin generally disposed of? Wondered why ur meat pies ad a wierd taste to em. still wit the right drop o slick 50 it went down ok
GOSH!!!!very quiete int ere. . .hello er barsteward ,pint er sludge ??? unless the ballifs have cleared up. . .:D
bin sortin out intergalatic disputes. .. .thats ma job. . .this is part time fun.yup ron , i see ya lookin . . .:) :) :) :)

you mean mrs ming wint let you out till you'd put that noo shelve up..............................................................straight
Gulp. . . .na really bin intergalatic sortin . . . .jist ask young porky. . .ok did er little bit er paintin un jist one shelf. . .ere you two got er web cam int ma rocket :p :) ;)
ok lets chuck out all this noncy wine stuff , bring in the new stuff porky. . ..db , tractor sludge ,binge, bitter un mild, larger ,glider. . .that should do fer now ,reet better test it. . .glug glug, hic slurp swill glug. . .parp. . thats better, more like wot we are used ta. . .:D :D