yup, series fixed, and all sold, has been great since changing the dizzy :rolleyes:
so now just gotta start saving me pennies up for a disco now,
been a bit busy lately cos the clutch went in the fiesta, so had to get that done, and then all me college work as well ;);)
arrrgh and then only another week and they are off again for easter hols :eek:
has everyone gone tea-total nowadays then?

even minge seems to have lost interest in his bars :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
yup bets . . . .still running the bars only they tend to run themselves. . . .this one is trendy only soo i'll have er pint er tracter sludge wif a wd chaser fanks. . .:)
today's er special. . . .mondo 2wd sweet white home made whine. . .free if yer can drink the whole bottle. . .if not £10. . .:) :) :)