He could get Hybrid to warm it up for him...........Ey where is Hybrid ant heard from her fer ages..................Ey wheres Slob ant heard from him neither................................Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
no cowld - just sniffin to check if that Porky is around. HB is on her hols - blue laning in Norfolk. Dunno about herr Slobmeister - maybe he is flooded in France?
Hi, just moved into the neighbourhood and this is me new local, tripped over a couple of tractors on the way in. Do they do food in ere?
Hi, just moved into the neighbourhood and this is me new local, tripped over a couple of tractors on the way in. Do they do food in ere?
hi lev. . . .we serve anyfink int ere. . .jist shout at the barsteward un yer gits served. . . .reet pint er tratter sludge un er milky bar fer ma mutt . . . . .:) :) :)
Oooooooooo, Porky keeeebabs, MMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm................oops, sounded like something unpleasant then!
hi lev. . . .we serve anyfink int ere. . .jist shout at the barsteward un yer gits served. . . .reet pint er tratter sludge un er milky bar fer ma mutt . . . . .:) :) :)

"Barstewaaaaaard" milky bars are on me, 1 each...daint be greedy! Aye, and give that Porky a pigs ear ta chew on. Theeank yow!