sniff! sniff!
we is ok at the mo - no Porky in here. Is that yelping, I hear in the dungeon?

DB fur me, minge plse
its goin good, ta. it looks like they gonna release a special edition too :D - see truck fur mhm - 3.5L ex 350z powered slitty:D
drats, fergit the red eye. . .just got ah phone call from porky [wants pickin up ] he's in bleedin wales. . .bet eze bin worrin pigs agin, , , stupid mutt. . . .:mad: :mad: :mad:
pint er binge barsteward. . .cor you wanna see the state er porky, picked im up in wales last night, fink e might er bin worrin pigs agin , covered in shotgun pellets,must ave bin er tractor farmer. . . .i asked im what append,sis e dunt wanna say nuffink. . . .:(