erm with two headlamps a pair of spots and a row of roof lights you'll be like a rabbit or a deer frozen to the spot............. bam bullbars up the arse........

I thought the idea was to scare em, Not talk dirty to em?:doh::D:D:D
erm with two headlamps a pair of spots and a row of roof lights you'll be like a rabbit or a deer frozen to the spot............. bam bullbars up the arse........

Why all these "heavy weights" need all these bullbars, roof lights etc.. for ? Are these pussies afraid of the dark or what ????:D:D:D
Reet yous lot ,i'm lookin fer recruits fer protecting the Gaylander bit against attack from undesirables like , the Tratter Boys un Slitty's. . . . .so sign up we need recruits ASAP so i thought this wood be the best place fer twaining un fings . . . . . .wot do you think ? :) :) :)
Recruit sign up on Tuesday evening. . . . .will be giving tratter un slitty alert twaining un un armed gaylander cleaning methods. . . .we take pretectin the gaylander bit sirius. . . . . . . .:D:);)
Reet shorry I'm late [bit er turbulence near yeranus ]. . . . .ok !!!! all volunteers fall in , ffs not literally. . . .reet so yer got to defend the Gaylander bit against Slitty un Tratter attack un swear un allegiance to Ming the Merfiless. . . . . .Porky [eeze er furra bread] will now demonstrate our fire power, bring in the modulatin zap gun. . . .ok Porks tending fire. . . .KERPHOOKIN BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!yer stoopid mutt yer jist wiped out ma army, how am i gonna rule Earth now :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Reet shorry I'm late [bit er turbulence near yeranus ]. . . . .ok !!!! all volunteers fall in , ffs not literally. . . .reet so yer got to defend the Gaylander bit against Slitty un Tratter attack un swear un allegiance to Ming the Merfiless. . . . . .Porky [eeze er furra bread] will now demonstrate our fire power, bring in the modulatin zap gun. . . .ok Porks tending fire. . . .KERPHOOKIN BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!yer stoopid mutt yer jist wiped out ma army, how am i gonna rule Earth now :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

cough......splutter......choke........I is still here.:(

Can I ave me chippies now?:eek:
SORRY, I is late. Kinhell!! What happened here. Bodies everywhere, a smoked rat and a bag of rather chrispy chippies. Munch!! Godduns too. Had chippies for tea anaw. :D
SORRY, I is late. Kinhell!! What happened here. Bodies everywhere, a smoked rat and a bag of rather chrispy chippies. Munch!! Godduns too. Had chippies for tea anaw. :D

watch out fer the ones on the left. I think porky might ave been slobbering on em.:mad::mad::mad:
er. . . . .as all the equipmint is all blewed up un fings, we will all meet again next tooseday so dunt be late C. U. N. T OOSDAY :D :D :D

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