doop de dum de doo. . . . .jist cleanin the bar up. . . .oh wots this that jist fell in ma hands ,ole red eye. . . .nobody around so ave a crafty sniffter. . . . .glug glug glug ahhhhhhhh! burp!!!!nuffer. . . .glug glug glug ahhhhhhh parp!!!! wun fer the road . . . .glug glug glug glug glug glug . . . .slow me the way ta go ome ,tired un ah wanna go ta bed hic . . .hic. . .:) :) :)
tensoin!!!! fryday nite is DISCO NITE . . . .ER THET DUNT MEAN TRATTER DISCO's. . . . . .this is an exclusive nite club fer gaylanders wiff posh black leffer bits. . . . . .no riff raff allowed :D :D :D
All drinks half price this w end. . . . .wimmins git in fer free, Er will all tratter un slitty boys adhear to the dress code, un no gears un cogs bein left ont bar. . . .oh un only gaylanders in car park. . . .
All drinks half price this w end. . . . .wimmins git in fer free, Er will all tratter un slitty boys adhear to the dress code, un no gears un cogs bein left ont bar. . . .oh un only gaylanders in car park. . . .

thats sexist. How comes all gaylander drivers is getting in free?:mad: