
Well-Known Member
Off to Wales on Saturday and as my fuel gauge is 'interesting' how far are people roughly managing on a tank? 2 1/4 petrol:D
We do 120miles with the wobble gauge.
But we can do more if needed to 150.
We always carry a 20 litre can just incase.

your tank is 10gallon?
Wales is pretty hilly, my series 3 averages about 15mpg but that's on fairly flat roads. If I was you, I'd fill up at about 100 miles and work out from that what's it's doing to the gallon. Taking a spare 20 litres in a Jerry can is definately a good idea. You can drive for an hour in rural Wales without seeing a petrol station.

Wales is pretty hilly, my series 3 averages about 15mpg but that's on fairly flat roads. If I was you, I'd fill up at about 100 miles and work out from that what's it's doing to the gallon. Taking a spare 20 litres in a Jerry can is definately a good idea. You can drive for an hour in rural Wales without seeing a petrol station.


Buy a V8 by the sounds of it better MPG.:D

I ain't got any mirrors :p
I have got a secret weapon though, two defenders to tow me to the nearest petrol station :p
We done lanes in wales & all the fenders broke. Only the S1 was good. But had to tap the fenders down some long hills to use their brakes :oops:
Off to Wales on Saturday and as my fuel gauge is 'interesting' how far are people roughly managing on a tank? 2 1/4 petrol:D
Diesels have longer stack pipes in the tank so if yours was originally a diesel and now a petrol the chances are your landy will have roughly an extra gallon to drink but if it's been a petrol all its life then you won't be using all your fuel and it can make a big difference in fuel consumption.
Impossible to work out! We get around 30 mpg (3.3 diesel) but the first 1/4 tank seems to last 40 miles, the second 60, then there's a sudden drop, then we seem to run forever on the last 1/8. But not quite - last week I got a bit over confident and passed the services on well less than 1/4 tank with 40 miles to go. When we filled up I looked in the tank (its a mil with the 4" fillers) there was less than 1/2" in the tank:eek:. Took the filter bowl off today and got all the rust flakes out....:rolleyes:. We run twin tanks and a transfer pump, but of course its always stuck from lack of use so that means getting underneath and hitting it until it starts but its better than running out.
Wales is pretty hilly, my series 3 averages about 15mpg but that's on fairly flat roads. If I was you, I'd fill up at about 100 miles and work out from that what's it's doing to the gallon. Taking a spare 20 litres in a Jerry can is definately a good idea. You can drive for an hour in rural Wales without seeing a petrol station.

That makes me feel a lot better about my 2.25 diesel! It might not be as refined as a petrol but I can get 25mpg and about 200miles from a tank. I have to agree with the below that if you are getting that mpg anyway you might as well enjoy the rumble of a v8.

Buy a V8 by the sounds of it better MPG.:D
If you are going to enjoy the lovely Byways and UCRs, then I would suggest taking a chainsaw , or at least a good saw /loppers/ etc.

Never seen so many trees down as I did last weekend.


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