Tigs kinda like oxy welding but with electricity same idea feed in the filler and get your heat/distance correct
Need pure argon to use it though if not you'll ruin the tungstens
I just use thin ones at <40a, medium at 80a and thick at 100a
Don't know what size they are, think the thin are about 1.6mm
How thin steel could I weld with an arc?? Sorry for the daft questions I just don't want to be spending more money than I need to for the jobs at hand
How thin steel could I weld with an arc?? Sorry for the daft questions I just don't want to be spending more money than I need to for the jobs at hand
No point practicing on pig iron if he wants to weld thin mild
Pig Iron is cast, and needs specific rods, as does stainless and all the other metals!
To become proficient, one of the exercises is to lay 'strings' around 75mm long tight against each other until you have a square 75x75.
Then turn it through 90 degrees and do the same on top. then repeat the process.
You should finish up with a pad of weld 75x75x12 (or however thick you wish to make it!)
Once you can do that without any blowback, you are ready to begin to practice sticking things together!
I'm over in west norfolk