I could honestly sell this car this very second. Now the ignition key wont turn. But if I pull fuse 18 for the immobiliser then put it back in, I get 1 start.
Annoyed with the car to say the least
I could honestly sell this car this very second. Now the ignition key wont turn. But if I pull fuse 18 for the immobiliser then put it back in, I get 1 start.
Annoyed with the car to say the least
Range Rovers are not cars they are a hobby. If you want trouble free reliable transport, get a Toyota or a Kia.
I could honestly sell this car this very second. Now the ignition key wont turn. But if I pull fuse 18 for the immobiliser then put it back in, I get 1 start.
Annoyed with the car to say the least
Sounds like your steering module thingy under the column. As Datatek says... they are vehicles for enthusiasts, I don't rely on my L322 as daily transport, just like Alfa ownership, you have to get involved or have enough money to visit the Stealers everytime something plays up! I find RR ownership straightforward, unlike other makes "the force is strong" and the forums are second to none for finding the fixes.... and someone has always been there before you and fixed it!
I've claimed down considerably since yesterday. Now not looking forward to tackling the steering column module.
I'll sort the brakes out then tackle the steering.
I think this is a brilliant forum, and folk are very helpful and knowledgeable.
Just about to search for the steering column module.
If it's any help, when my battery died a couple of weeks ago, it manifested first on the steering lock.
I'd be checking voltages and earthing straps with a fine tooth comb.
Range Rovers are not cars they are a hobby. If you want trouble free reliable transport, get a Toyota or a Kia.

Or stick with LR/RR but go for an earlier model, later models = greater complication = more to go wrong = greater expense.
Sadly you are right, the brand's reliability record is appalling considering the showroom price, only coveted by those seeking a status symbol. I've never owned (or desired) one so cannot comment as to whether or not they are overrated, but they are certainly overpriced.
The brand has long since lost it's way, but JLR can sell every one they produce so why should they care ?
Salesmen love to say 'a lot of car for the money' but that quote is reversed when things go wrong outside the warranty period :rolleyes:
I will have a look at the weekend. Cant do a lot this week, early starts and late finishes, back home in the cold and dark
Range Rovers are not cars they are a hobby. If you want trouble free reliable transport, get a Toyota or a Kia.
Stopped to get fuel and once again, same Petrol station, someone wanted to talk about L322. The chap had spent thousands trying to fix his.. every time there was an issue it was off to the Stealers and each time his wallet got considerably lighter. They weren't big issues but because he didn't do any work himself it soon became a mahoosive financial burden as a second car. I ran through the jobs I had done on mine and the cost to me.. he couldn't believe how much money I had saved. As I pointed out to him you need to get down and dirty with an L322 and carry out as much preventative maintenance as possible, they are not for everyone and certainly not for the bystander unless they have deep pockets? Just like building your own house each time I do another job on my L322 I feel that bit more confident that nothing can phase me as I learn more about my wee beastie. If you're not prepared to get involved then get a Eurobox, its a Land Rover thing!
There's a certain irony here, years ago it was a case of 'you get what you pay for' when it came to consumer goods.
These days you pay (relatively speaking) peanuts for a Euro-box & years of reliable corrosion-free motoring, pay through the nose for a top-of-the-range JLR product & get the opposite o_O
There's a certain irony here, years ago it was a case of 'you get what you pay for' when it came to consumer goods.
These days you pay (relatively speaking) peanuts for a Euro-box & years of reliable corrosion-free motoring, pay through the nose for a top-of-the-range JLR product & get the opposite o_O
Think it's a bit like Ford's attitude in the 70s and 80s.... the money was made selling the aftermarket toys? Can you afford to keep coming back with a Eurobox each time it goes wrong, probably not... its just transport and there are plenty of others on offer, whereas the luxury market... if you can afford it then you can keep coming back again and again! A friend with more money than sense has his Ferrari serviced each year for thousands of pounds and covers minimal mileage... he seems to enjoy telling everyone how much it costs to maintain and how fussy it is only having the finest fluids and parts? Not in the same league but there is a feeling of pride or it could be "one up manship" when you tell someone how you fixed your RR... how clever am I? Obviously not that smart... you bought an L322!
Everyone said I was mad, my RR was scrap, id never be able fix it or afford it blah blah ....
They don’t laugh now it’s done, especially as I’ve done it myself. They still think I’m mad, They still don’t know how I did it

Simples :)
My Customers get constant updates (those that are the slightest bit interested) on my projects and the fixes! Maybe it's because we don't go out to fight wars or hunt game these days and need a challenge in our lives? Each time I take on a thankless task I think "did I not learn anything the last time?" Ah feck it, what's the worst that can happen?

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