I had to pay the towing company but the rozzers have just rung to apologise and told me ring the money grabbers back today and they'll refund it. The oink I spoke to yesterday told me that I should be happy I'm not paying storage costs on top, he suffered my wrath believe me and stopped laughing when I him I was passing the phone over for him to give his credit card details :mad:

Whoooaaaa! I just read that last bit properly - the police told you that you could get your money back??!! :mad: The company that recovered mine said it would be a daily storage charge after 24 hours as well so I had to scrabble around to find someone with a big enough trailer to get it up to the work shed within 24 hours of being told they had it - smashed ignition etc. battery flat as lights had been left on so not running, besides needed a bit of tlc to go back on the road. Could you possibly pm me on that please 'cos if that's the case I'd very much like to get my money back. I was told if it had been roadside recovery it was £150, if it was offroad then £200 - they charged me £200 cos it was in a shallow ditch your granny could have driven out of!
There's nothing to pm you about pal I will be refunded the £150, initially I said I wanted to collect the car to avoid any charges but I was told that as mine was the only one they'd recovered that I wouldn't have to pay owt cos they desperately needed forensics. Unfortunately because I collected it on a Sunday there was a cock up with the paperwork and I had to pay but the rozzers have told me to return to the garage and I'll be refunded :D
There's nothing to pm you about pal I will be refunded the £150, initially I said I wanted to collect the car to avoid any charges but I was told that as mine was the only one they'd recovered that I wouldn't have to pay owt cos they desperately needed forensics. Unfortunately because I collected it on a Sunday there was a cock up with the paperwork and I had to pay but the rozzers have told me to return to the garage and I'll be refunded :D

Thanks, had just wondered if there was anything specific you'd said to them that allowed you to get your money back. Again, mine was one of several stolen around the same time around the area but as far as I know the only one recovered as well - which, depending how you look at it could actually be pretty embarrassing that they didn't wanna even keep it and abandoned it! Gotta love that much play in the steering! Anyway, I gave the cops a a couple of screwdrivers found in the vehicle that didn't belong to me so they took 'em to do forensics on (covered the 90 in fingerprint dust) so by the same token as yours I shouldn't bleedin' have had to pay either. Will just contact them on the basis of what you've said in thread. Thanks for response.
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Glad you got your Defender back bet your releived. After reading through this thread i've decide it's time that i invested in a tracking system going to get order placed for Skytag system be daft not to at the price.
Thanks, had just wondered if there was anything specific you'd said to them that allowed you to get your money back. Again, mine was one of several stolen around the same time around the area but as far as I know the only one recovered as well - which, depending how you look at it could actually be pretty embarrassing that they didn't wanna even keep it and abandoned it! Gotta love that much play in the steering! Anyway, I gave the cops a a couple of screwdrivers found in the vehicle that didn't belong to me so they took 'em to do forensics on (covered the 90 in fingerprint dust) so by the same token as yours I shouldn't bleedin' have had to pay either. Will just contact them on the basis of what you've said in thread. Thanks for response.

To begin with I told the woman on the phone at 101 to bugger off cos I wasn't going to pay for recovery and she said that unless I did then they didn't have the man power to allow the two officers to wait until I got to the vehicle so if it got nicked in the mean time then tough **** basically. Nice attitude:D. Just after the tracker company gave me the location another king rozzer rang me back and asked me to take the keys to the pair of officers waiting by the car so it could be recovered and I told him to sod off as well but HE said that there would be no charge as mine was the only Defender that had been recovered and they were desperate for forensic info. When I was speaking to the officers waiting for the recovery truck they said that they were going to go a ride around the area and it turns out that they found another two Defenders that had been stolen a couple of days before
Glad you got your Defender back bet your releived. After reading through this thread i've decide it's time that i invested in a tracking system going to get order placed for Skytag system be daft not to at the price.
I can't say as I blame you pal, I initially bought mine just for peace of mind thinking if it was going to get nicked it would be from a supermarket car park or from outside someone elses house not from outside mine but I really can't fault the thing. For seven quid a month personally it was a no brainer regardless of wether I'd save any money on my insurance
ere Marmaduke, I was telling someone about this recently. Did the police have any luck catching thems who took yer tratter or the other 2 tratters they found?
Nice to see one coming home again - speaking of SkyTag, I've just ordered a free unit (you still have to pay whichever subscription you want) from getting my truck insured through Heritage, which seems a pretty damn good deal, esp since the cover was over £100 cheaper than anyone else I could find anyway (and tons cheaper than the 'mainstream' insurers). Not actually received it yet, but at £140 for the all-singing-all-dancing tracking seems pretty good - sure it's GPS only and not VHF like a Tracker top-end, but then I'm paying about 20% of what the tracker would cost so not unhappy with that!

Getting an X-Eng pedal-box (or possibly the gearstick lock) to put them off trying in the first place, and think I might also get the similarly-named SkyTag system put on the top (linky) for kicks - whether it's genuinely going to be useful I don't know, but seems cheap enough to be worth the effort.

And then a SmartWater pack for the hat trick. Obviously you're never going to stop the pros who scan it to remove trackers and tow the thing (security and all) away on a flatbed, but since they're a minority and most thieves aren't even smart enough to figure out that mixing genetic material with their close relatives isn't a great idea, it's worth a go anyway!
ere Marmaduke, I was telling someone about this recently. Did the police have any luck catching thems who took yer tratter or the other 2 tratters they found?
Unfortunately no, I did have a phone call a few weeks ago to say that they had a suspect but nothing concrete on him. I sold some parts on eBay a week or so ago and the bloke who picked them up knew a prolific defender thief who lives not far away :( but he was banged up when mine was nicked
pleased it was found - if i get another after mine was nicked i would get a tracker no doubt
Unfortunately no, I did have a phone call a few weeks ago to say that they had a suspect but nothing concrete on him. I sold some parts on eBay a week or so ago and the bloke who picked them up knew a prolific defender thief who lives not far away :( but he was banged up when mine was nicked

the suspect needs to have a concrete overcoat
& dumped in a river somewhere,fecking crime
pays for these low lifes.
I had to pay the towing company but the rozzers have just rung to apologise and told me ring the money grabbers back today and they'll refund it. The oink I spoke to yesterday told me that I should be happy I'm not paying storage costs on top, he suffered my wrath believe me and stopped laughing when I him I was passing the phone over for him to give his credit card details :mad:
Could a cop not drive the bloody vehicle to the impound to check it out?! Sounds pretty shoddy they have a default setting like that.

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