I've mentioned this on other forums. I know this might not apply to the above. Please keep your number plates clean. A.N.P.R. helps the police to track a stolen vehicle. If the camera's can't read the number, they can't help you.
A.N.P.R. can also capture the images of the Tw>ts that stole your dearly beloved from you in the first place!
I've mentioned this on other forums. I know this might not apply to the above. Please keep your number plates clean. A.N.P.R. helps the police to track a stolen vehicle. If the camera's can't read the number, they can't help you.
A.N.P.R. can also capture the images of the Tw>ts that stole your dearly beloved from you in the first place!
Unfortunately between where I live and the car park it was found in there aren't any cameras
Good to hear,

How can they justify charging you £150? Did they ask to keep it to check it for prints etc? i would be having a word about that down the cop station.

i think thats the problem with cameras , we had a few around here go all seen by anpr cameras but still never found
Unless they are foolish enough to strip them on an industrial estate or a similar built up area then they will just evaporate
Unfortunately between where I live and the car park it was found in there aren't any cameras
I appreciate that Marmaduke. That mean's the Tw>ts get a little further away before they're caught. Providing the reg plates can be read. I'm glad you got your motor back by the way.
A.N.P.R. now covers most of the U.K. Yes, it has other responsibilities, but all coppers enjoy recovering stolen goods.:) and the satisfaction of returning them to their rightful owners.
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I'm sure that they're proper chuffed cos after they found mine they were going to go for a drive around the area and I believe that they found two others
Why the hell would you have to pay the release fee? It's not like you had it impounded for driving without insurance... That's bonkers... I'm a pretty calm individual, but I'd have gone mental at the suggestion!
I had to pay the towing company but the rozzers have just rung to apologise and told me ring the money grabbers back today and they'll refund it. The oink I spoke to yesterday told me that I should be happy I'm not paying storage costs on top, he suffered my wrath believe me and stopped laughing when I him I was passing the phone over for him to give his credit card details :mad:
Glad to hear you got it back! Sounds like mine, some damage but almost all my stuff still inside. I also had to pay a £200 release fee to the recovery agent the police used to bring the 90 back to get it out of their secure compound. Bit of a scunner. Still no news at all on the scrotes that stole it after just over a year, nothing came back from the database on the couple of screwdrivers they left in the vehicle (used to make a right mess of the dash and wiring etc.) and likewise no ANPR cameras between my place and where it was recovered, abandoned.
Interesting that Skytag wouldn't tell you where it was until the police were with it - I'd happily pay 'em extra to tell me that in advance. I'm assuming they're trying to avoid the scenario of these scrotes possibly getting the kicking they deserve before the police turn up. Pleased you got it back anyway.
Interesting that Skytag wouldn't tell you where it was until the police were with it - I'd happily pay 'em extra to tell me that in advance. I'm assuming they're trying to avoid the scenario of these scrotes possibly getting the kicking they deserve before the police turn up. Pleased you got it back anyway.
if you go up to the £12 a month subscription you get 247 access to the tracking system with a live feed (5 minutes if ignition on 20 minutes off) ;)
To be honest I'd rather turn up and watch the rozzers getting a battering trying to get it out of a gypo camp than me and my skinny arms getting the good news

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