It's hard to read on XP/Firefox too, I have to constantly adjust the brightness/Contrast on my LCD monitor to make some of the stuff readable. The dark green text on the black background is a particular problem.
Seems the owners have given themselves a huge amount of stress for for little benefit. Nothing I can do changes the amount of wasted screen space or text size or the lack of speed of some parts.
Definitely not little benefit! The forums are running much faster than before, with less load on the server. And I am working on improvements, but this isn't my day job.
Just saying after a few days i rather like it. Much more streamlined, i like the "alerts" function, does seem a tad slower than Tapatalk but I put that down to it being a website over an app.

I have only really used LZ on my phone and a bit on Opera, works well om both. draft saving is nice aswell.

Wel done chaps!
I've tried, I've really tried, I've put up with it being too fast/slow, too bright/dull, things hidden on the other side on the page and that fact that it's barely compatible with Post Office 1.0 but today is the final straw.

Since the upgrade I've noticed the hoovering hasn't been done, the dog has fleas AND I have a hole in my sock :mad::mad::mad::mad:
I've tried, I've really tried, I've put up with it being too fast/slow, too bright/dull, things hidden on the other side on the page and that fact that it's barely compatible with Post Office 1.0 but today is the final straw.

Since the upgrade I've noticed the hoovering hasn't been done, the dog has fleas AND I have a hole in my sock :mad::mad::mad::mad:
Socks and sandals??????

You're one sad bastid. :eek::D:D:D
So far so good, even as much of a "luddite" as I am I have managed to work my way about the forum in it's new format, one question I have is how can I get a photo up onto my profile so it appears when I post, I did not have one previously, but I would like to get rid of that question mark. Anyone ??
So far so good, even as much of a "luddite" as I am I have managed to work my way about the forum in it's new format, one question I have is how can I get a photo up onto my profile so it appears when I post, I did not have one previously, but I would like to get rid of that question mark. Anyone ??

click on your username on the top toolbar and then avatar in the drop down box
When you make big changes, you've got to expect those that have been used to the way it worked previously getting a bit annoyed at first. If I came home and found someone had painted my Freelander daygo pink, I'd be ****ed off. Functionality aside, there's a whole heap more styling in the new site - and by definition you either like styling or you don't. So, having added said fancy styling - expect people to come back and say they don't like it - don't get offended or defend the developers - neither have anything to do with it! Personally I don't like the styling - but it may just be change and I'll get used to it.
I appreciate that there has been a whole heap of work put into this, and a heap of other heaps as well. It is a big achievement that a system was put together sufficiently complete to be released! Systems do need to adapt to peoples expectations of websites, it keeps new blood coming in. Be very careful though not to over style it - I'm getting a wee bit nauseous with all these blocks of shades of colour over my screen.
If there is any response to this post I probably won't see it because I'm going to retrench to the Freelander forum and probably won't notice them cos I've lost my LZ staple 'Your Replies" link (or what ever it was called) - so I'll stop in at the "Bug Tracking" just to add my wish for it back :)
I am liking it better today now that I have had time to look properly.
Like everything we will get use to it!
I've just bought a new washing machine and it now takes hours to wash things, but again I will get use to it!!!!!!!
Or go round the twist!!!!!!
I am liking it better today now that I have had time to look properly.
Like everything we will get use to it!
I've just bought a new washing machine and it now takes hours to wash things, but again I will get use to it!!!!!!!
Or go round the twist!!!!!!
new ones need muscles building up.. they will develop and get faster.

i'd recommend bulking her out with extra protein for now
You'll see the reply if I put in @GrumpyGel because it'll come up in your notifications without having to take up loads of space quoting a long post ;)

Of course lots of folk will complain/whinge/moan and expect everything set to suit themselves......that's expected.

I've only got small screens and perhaps it's on the big screens that people are finding it difficult and unsightly.......I'm not sure. Hopefully it's improving as its being tweaked though :)

I probably use LZ a little differently to most, trying to keep some sort of overview rather than so much interest in particular threads. I had a system that worked quite well for that and I'm finding I've had to adapt that with the change.

I've had a couple of weeks longer than most to get my small brain round it and appreciate its a helluva shock but I am finding it generally much easier.

I dont think I'll storm out and slam the door quite yet :p:D
You'll see the reply if I put in @GrumpyGel because it'll come up in your notifications without having to take up loads of space quoting a long post ;)

Of course lots of folk will complain/whinge/moan and expect everything set to suit themselves......that's expected.

I've only got small screens and perhaps it's on the big screens that people are finding it difficult and unsightly.......I'm not sure. Hopefully it's improving as its being tweaked though :)

I probably use LZ a little differently to most, trying to keep some sort of overview rather than so much interest in particular threads. I had a system that worked quite well for that and I'm finding I've had to adapt that with the change.

I've had a couple of weeks longer than most to get my small brain round it and appreciate its a helluva shock but I am finding it generally much easier.

I dont think I'll storm out and slam the door quite yet :p:D

mobile uses a tweaked layout. it won't look the same.. bit closer now though
I'm just concerned someone's upset Rosie with all this humming and Arring!
Not seen her on this thread for a while now. Come back Rosie, you're a breath of fresh air!

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