Can't do nuffink round here anymore with the Goons on constant watch.


This software is really on it.

I get an upper middle class woman of a certain age pop up on me screen and point accusingly with a scowl when someone swears in the wrong place :eek::confused::confused:
Really liking the new instant Alerts feed @blue beasty - all these gadgets - got any more we can play with?
Yes lets have lots of gadgets and gimos to play with, then the idea of fixing LR problems can be put on the back burner or completely forgotten, just like a computer game really.
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What's the orange box on the forum menu page that lights up when you select or hover over a section? It says RSS..
RSS? Really Silly Section?
Red Soda Scones?
Ruptured Silver Spandex?
rich site summary/really simple syndication

it's a computer digestible feed for reader/clients and what not. was on the old forums too.
rich site summary/really simple syndication

it's a computer digestible feed for reader/clients and what not. was on the old forums too.

And in English??
OK, does it do anything I need to know / worry about?
Yes lets have lots of gadgets and gimos to play with, then the idea of fixing LR problems can be put on the back burner or completely forgotten, just like a computer game really.

I was going to reply that it's really useful getting a notification that you've been quoted but I'm far too busy playing space invaders :D:D:D
I'm not sure how it can be less clear, we've stripped all the messy graphics and made it nearly all text. I'm not sure how to make things any easier to read or clearer. Suggestions welcome.
Going back to the older format would be a start
You'd think Rosie had a stake in this forum, with how touchy she gets with any negative forum comments
I just don't understand why people can't appreciate the huge amount of work a small number of people have put into the forum upgrade... It's so easy to be positive and support this free forum that everyone uses... Instead a bunch of keyboard warriors have just moaned about it like a bunch of little bitches.

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