I need a motor on the scroll wheel, there is so much wasted screen space with signatures etc that one seems to have to scroll for ever.
To trim down the page, kick the siggys off; click on your user name and go to 'peferences' and turn off siggy seeing, as you would have done on the old pages ...
Seeing that BB is here:rolleyes: What is them alert thingys that show up? when you click on then nothing happens really just says (in this example) Watt replied . Then you got to hunt down what he said. I took some surfing trying to find what he said. Navigation ease :confused: is not there for me. I could find Leadfarmers dirty pants quicker :eek: if I was looking for them
Seeing that BB is here:rolleyes: What is them alert thingys that show up? when you click on then nothing happens really just says (in this example) Watt replied . Then you got to hunt down what he said. I took some surfing trying to find what he said. Navigation ease :confused: is not there for me. I could find Leadfarmers dirty pants quicker :eek: if I was looking for them

If you'd clicked the bit where it said Watt replied it would have taken you straight to the thread
Seeing that BB is here:rolleyes: What is them alert thingys that show up? when you click on then nothing happens really just says (in this example) Watt replied . Then you got to hunt down what he said. I took some surfing trying to find what he said. Navigation ease :confused: is not there for me. I could find Leadfarmers dirty pants quicker :eek: if I was looking for them
Play with the buttons, see what they do - if you get 'lost' use the back button to trace yourself back to where you were ....
If you'd clicked the bit where it said Watt replied it would have taken you straight to the thread
What bit where? Maybe a page with operating/navagation instructions could be put up as to how this new site operates. Locked of course to keep ****ers from screwing it up JUST might help
blue beastythat isst: 3532316 said:
If you'd clicked the bit where it said Watt replied it would have taken you straight to the thread

Minor niggle with that, it doesn't highlight the Fred you posted in andit takes you to the last post 4ather than the last viewed.
What bit where? Maybe a page with operating/navagation instructions could be put up as to how this new site operates. Locked of course to keep ****ers from screwing it up JUST might help

It's really not difficult. Your post sent me a notification saying you'd quoted me on this thread, I clicked where it said which thread and here I am :)
It's new get over it.You old guys don't like change your stuck in your ways.The first time you went on the old site you didn't now you way around that either
Give it a couple of days and you will be zipping around here like you all got new battery's in your mobility scooters ;)
I'm not sure how it can be less clear, we've stripped all the messy graphics and made it nearly all text. I'm not sure how to make things any easier to read or clearer. Suggestions welcome.

i think the whitespace makes a massive difference. it needs to be more condense imo.

personally, i'd have emulated the old theme a bit to bring people over gradually, then pushed with changing the logo, etc.. could have made it into a contest.

but it's coming along great , better every day :)
It's new get over it.You old guys don't like change your stuck in your ways.The first time you went on the old site you didn't now you way around that either
Give it a couple of days and you will be zipping around here like you all got new battery's in your mobility scooters ;)

I'm not particularly fussed about finding my way around, I have many forums that I visit and they all shared one thing in common, clear on-screen text and graphics. I run a forum as well, so am quite aware of what can and cannot be done.

Landyzone has gone the other way for some reason and downgraded the visuals with a peculiar colour scheme for text panels that I find hard to read on a 21" TFT monitor. Why I do not know.

As I write, the text is black on white, once I post it, the text changes to a dark grey and with almost a fuzzy outline to the text.

It's not rocket science, but there is no need for it to start with.

Even bulletin boards had clear graphics and text in the early years before Windows and Forums.

Here is an example of what I have a problem with, upper half is as posted, bottom half is the post input screen:


Maybe there's a conspiracy going on here. Maybe the new software was a deliberate act to attack Americas infrastructure by preventing Thor copy and pasting. :D:D:D
It's new get over it.You old guys don't like change your stuck in your ways.The first time you went on the old site you didn't now you way around that either
Give it a couple of days and you will be zipping around here like you all got new battery's in your mobility scooters ;)
I've been in the computer industry since before you were born, I'm well used to change, but not when it makes something less pleasant to use.
I'm not particularly fussed about finding my way around, I have many forums that I visit and they all shared one thing in common, clear on-screen text and graphics. I run a forum as well, so am quite aware of what can and cannot be done.

Landyzone has gone the other way for some reason and downgraded the visuals with a peculiar colour scheme for text panels that I find hard to read on a 21" TFT monitor. Why I do not know.

As I write, the text is black on white, once I post it, the text changes to a dark grey and with almost a fuzzy outline to the text.

It's not rocket science, but there is no need for it to start with.

Even bulletin boards had clear graphics and text in the early years before Windows and Forums.

Here is an example of what I have a problem with, upper half is as posted, bottom half is the post input screen:



You put it better than I can. sums it up nicely.
For me it's wait and see, in the meantime I'm on Range Rovers.net where the screens are concise and clear.
To trim down the page, kick the siggys off; click on your user name and go to 'peferences' and turn off siggy seeing, as you would have done on the old pages ...
So, I click on my user name, get the dark green/white text on the black background pop up, I click on profile and that take me to a page with lots of stuff and 4 tabs, if I click on the "Information" tab it brings up my info and signature but I can find no means of editing my signature.

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