Don't need chips, I made ribs & BBQ sauce for dinner with bean chilli & paprika potato wedges, and now I'm dipping prawn crackers into the remains of the BBQ sauce.
Oh, and several bottles of Marston's EPA.
Tbh I don't really care what anyone thinks about me... But people aren't being constructive at all... **** it. I honestly don't give a **** if someone is having a hard time because the White is too white for them...

There is a difference between feedback, constructive criticism and genuine issues and people moaning because they don't like the colours/contest/post width or can't work out to post or are missing smilies :rolleyes:

With threats from newer media such as FB where its easy to signup and create groups etc, this forum needs to modernise to stay relevant. Is there any need though? We could all just stop using the likes of LZ and shift to the FB. Those groups do have some obvious knowledge in them, but are mainly full of dross from people who obviously haven't a clue about much at all and missing that LZ character. So I'd suggest that mouthy people who obviously don't know squiddly sheeite about change take the time to think about what that change means to people who have been using and contributing to this forum for many years.

I'm sure (hope) the people who have updated this system have taken into account those people who obviously have issues with its styling. They may not be in a position, or want to, do anything about it at the moment, but I'm sure that feedback has been stored away and will be of benefit when future changes are made.

The biggest reason this forum is so successful is people's input, but that is closely followed by the way it is moderated by a few. They don't screw the content down to PC dross, nore let content get out of hand, or impose their own beliefs on the content. They are very good at what they do - the forum will die a lot quicker than succumbing to FB if ignorant wannabe (although they deny it) mods take over the reigns.
I'm pretty new here and have asked my fair share of ridiculous newbie questions. While some have been less than friendly, I've found the majority more than willing to overlook the idiocy of my questions to provide help - some more than others to the point I've received help off the forum, in great detail, to resolve issues. Help like that is invaluable.

I'm quite sad to see that what I once viewed as an excellent resource (in my limited time as a member and browser) has become wattered down in regards to ease of use, and those members who have been incredibly helpful to new users/owners and long time members alike, are being treated with such disregard and utterly contemptible attitude. The way in which some members are treating the valuable members of the community is disgusting. The irony being, if it wasn't for those long standing members, these newer members with the 'if you don't like it, **** off' attitude wouldn't be here in the first place.

I've been running forums for around 15 years and know only too well how thankless a task it can be at times but I would never, ever belittle the opinions of those members who have made it a success in the first place.

Some people need to step down from the high horse, dine on some humble pie and wind their necks in. It's just not on.
I'm pretty new here and have asked my fair share of ridiculous newbie questions. While some have been less than friendly, I've found the majority more than willing to overlook the idiocy of my questions to provide help - some more than others to the point I've received help off the forum, in great detail, to resolve issues. Help like that is invaluable.

I'm quite sad to see that what I once viewed as an excellent resource (in my limited time as a member and browser) has become wattered down in regards to ease of use, and those members who have been incredibly helpful to new users/owners and long time members alike, are being treated with such disregard and utterly contemptible attitude. The way in which some members are treating the valuable members of the community is disgusting. The irony being, if it wasn't for those long standing members, these newer members with the 'if you don't like it, **** off' attitude wouldn't be here in the first place.

I've been running forums for around 15 years and know only too well how thankless a task it can be at times but I would never, ever belittle the opinions of those members who have made it a success in the first place.

Some people need to step down from the high horse, dine on some humble pie and wind their necks in. It's just not on.
Sometimes those that don't like something need to be constructive in their criticism if they wish their views to be taken into account.

If for example 1 person posts 'don't like it cos it's s**t' while another person posts 'don't like it cos it's hard to read and navigate' which one is the useful criticism that can help the forum to evolve.

Yes some peeps need to wind their necks in but remember that those peeps are actually defending the forum rather than attacking other members.
I would generally agree with what you've said but I don't feel all of those are 'defending' the forum. It would appear that at least one is taking it personally and as a result, spitting the dummy and throwing out their toys; something you could say some members are doing too.

Constructive criticism is required, yes, but when it is given by some and they are shot down, told to leave if they don't like it or that they are being whiny little bitches, others won't be as forthcoming - and why should they?

- Request feedback and critique
- Receive feedback and criticism
- Call out the feedback, tell them tough, tell them to **** off elsewhere and to stop being little bitches, don't complain about colours or anything else.

- Wonder why people are getting more curt with their criticism while adopting the attitude you have done nothing wrong and are entirely more superior than long standing, valuable members. Also throw in a few 'i don't give a fcuk what you think' comments for good measure.

What could possibly go wrong? Why on EARTH would people get ****ed off?

(obviously 'you' is not directly aimed at yourself, tis 3rd person)
So in summary Rosie **** off and stop being a mong; and the forum isn't quite right yet. I'll be honest I'm not liking my interface on the phone tabs jump around and the tabs don't seem to do the same thing twice, I continuously end up at the home page when I just want a list of the forums. Not good. Also the amount of forum users that are long in the tooth and wanting to leave is not good. I can understand that 10,20, 30 thousand posts represents a serious comittment of time and effort (barring thors) and these posters certainly have the right to bump their gums and do not deserve to be told to leave by some jumped up nobody. That said it's obvious we aren't gonna go back to the old system but the new system is far from perfect. I think he amount of posts has fallen since the change (no idea if that's right or not), that us not good.
End of rant.
@goonarmy things like tabs changing is due to Roy working feverishly away trying to address issues brought up by members.

There was some bugs with some older operating systems that didn't show up testing the new format along side the old which has been going on for weeks but hopefully those have now been addressed. Tweaking will continue for a while yet.

Telling people to leave if they don't like it isn't exactly helpful but neither is saying LZ is now crap, especially in a public part of the forum.

It's still the same folk posting, laughing, taking the mick,falling out and helping each other as it was before.

It might look different but I know it's LZ by the amount of dummies on the floor :D
The behind the scenes work is commendable and not for a second do I have anything other than admiration for Roy & Accy working away to improve the forum.
I don't think anyone can complain at this amount of work they are undertaking.
Yes, there are bugs, issues and improvements to be made and I have noticed a vast improvement since the re-launch.
However, like a few other members, I resent the comments and attitude of one member - it actually makes me think twice about posting as I don't want or need a abuse- ridden reply when posting in a section about forum issues / complaints or suggestions. After all, isn't that what the section is for?

Just my view.
@JohnM70 you don't want to post because you might get abuse? What have you done with the real John? :eek::p

Suggestions, flagging up bugs, constructive criticism have all been taken on and yes it's what this section is for.

Slagging LZ as a whole isn't what it's for and I find it hard to hear senior members doing that and proclaiming they probably won't bother anymore in a public part of the forum.

Obviously telling them to sod off isn't the right approach but I'd much rather a large part of this discussion happened in AG or preferably the Secure Unit.
Things I don't like ..

er .. notalot, it just felt 'weird' which is one reason why I haven't posted for a while. I say to those who say they're leaving to give it time, it works, is faster and appears 'easier' to use once you've used it for a bit and get used to it's differences.

I don't like not having 'My replies', that was always the first thing I did when I logged on.

If we have a 'Like' button, and I can see that it will possibly work ... then why don't we also have a DISLIKE button too, for balance? I can see this might be a bone of contention, but it can be easier for people to hit a dislike button rather than articulate their issue in anything other than monosyllabic grunts .. just like real life!

Been posting a few ads today, and have found the image handling and posting system quite weird but, again given time, it seems more powerful and easier to use than previously .. just need to get my head round it!

Things I like ..

Everything else I guess, till i find summat I don't like .. ;)
Things I don't like ..

er .. notalot, it just felt 'weird' which is one reason why I haven't posted for a while. I say to those who say they're leaving to give it time, it works, is faster and appears 'easier' to use once you've used it for a bit and get used to it's differences.

I don't like not having 'My replies', that was always the first thing I did when I logged on.

If we have a 'Like' button, and I can see that it will possibly work ... then why don't we also have a DISLIKE button too, for balance? I can see this might be a bone of contention, but it can be easier for people to hit a dislike button rather than articulate their issue in anything other than monosyllabic grunts .. just like real life!

Been posting a few ads today, and have found the image handling and posting system quite weird but, again given time, it seems more powerful and easier to use than previously .. just need to get my head round it!

Things I like ..

Everything else I guess, till i find summat I don't like .. ;)
Um. Ugh. Uh.
I don't like not having 'My replies'
That was my main issue with the new site - but there is a thread on that in the Bugs forum. There's a suggested work around - and it does - in fact its even better than the "My Replies" - I think its ticking the "Watch Replies" preference - maybe it should be ticked by default.
First time I logged on in a week or so, I do not like it either........ But I hope it will grow on me.
Being a Noob probably doesn't give me the right to comment on changes, but as an active member on some other boards using vBulletin software, I have to admit this software is rather, erm, 'different'. I'm not sure if I like it or not, but I'm sure it will grow on me.

Being a firm believer of the 'if it ain't broke, don't make it any worse' ethos, I'm not convinced that XenForo software is any easier to navigate, but its certainly different!

Anyway, I'm not sure if that is praise or criticism, more of a 'sitting on the fence' stance, so ill crawl back under the rock from whence I came now.....
@goonarmy things like tabs changing is due to Roy working feverishly away trying to address issues brought up by members.

There was some bugs with some older operating systems that didn't show up testing the new format along side the old which has been going on for weeks but hopefully those have now been addressed. Tweaking will continue for a while yet.

Telling people to leave if they don't like it isn't exactly helpful but neither is saying LZ is now crap, especially in a public part of the forum.

It's still the same folk posting, laughing, taking the mick,falling out and helping each other as it was before.

It might look different but I know it's LZ by the amount of dummies on the floor :D
I get that the buttons are changing, not ideal but a ongoing process. Also the positions of the tabs alters when on my phone between landscape and portrait. Getting a bit annoying that it's best to POST in portrait and best view LZ LIVE in landscape when previously it was fine in either orientation.
I do not denigrate the work being put in, but I reserve the right to dislike features on the new system, like the quotes appearing in tiny faint italics, like black text on a grey background or dark green on black or the faint patchy white on green on the top banner next to the rather fuzzy Landy Zone logo or wasted screen space. It's not a fault of my monitor it works fine with everything else.
I understand that sometimes a shift to new software/systems is necessary. What I do not understand on a specialist forum is all the bells and whistles that will most likely never be used by the majority and which make the site more complicated than it needs to be for the non computer literate.
As for Rosie a bit of a saddo trying to be one of the boys, or maybe it's that time of month. whatever so OTT it's easy to ignore her.

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