Sounds right up your street'll get much the same when you get your recruitment date...only this time, they'll pay you....:D:D
This is true. The sad part is, it won't take long before I'm making more for being shouted at than I make for being shouted at. :(
Based on the rate of pay sheet I've been given, it won't take me very long (probably still doing trade training) before I get paid more for being shouted at in t'army than I do for getting shouted at by disgruntled clients who think bitching and moaning down the phone will make me work faster. D:
Based on the rate of pay sheet I've been given, it won't take me very long (probably still doing trade training) before I get paid more for being shouted at in t'army than I do for getting shouted at by disgruntled clients who think bitching and moaning down the phone will make me work faster. D:

Ah right. No offence matey but you must be on a really crap wage if you're going to be better off during trade training than you are now. I really think you need that hug :D
Ah right. No offence matey but you must be on a really crap wage if you're going to be better off during trade training than you are now. I really think you need that hug :D
Wages in IT have plummeted in recent years. Especially in T'North. It is a bit of a sore spot in our company though as sales get paid more to fanny about drinking bubbly water than technical get paid, yet we're the ones who actually do the work. Best paid tech in our company (got qualifications out of the wingwang) is on 20k a year.

There is a company not far from here who won't pay more than 13k yet demand a degree and 2 years industry experience. :eek:
Wages in IT have plummeted in recent years. Especially in T'North. It is a bit of a sore spot in our company though as sales get paid more to fanny about drinking bubbly water than technical get paid, yet we're the ones who actually do the work. Best paid tech in our company (got qualifications out of the wingwang) is on 20k a year.

There is a company not far from here who won't pay more than 13k yet demand a degree and 2 years industry experience. :eek:
I sit here with mouth aghast....yep IT wages have tumbled...:eek::eek:
Wages in IT have plummeted in recent years. Especially in T'North. It is a bit of a sore spot in our company though as sales get paid more to fanny about drinking bubbly water than technical get paid, yet we're the ones who actually do the work. Best paid tech in our company (got qualifications out of the wingwang) is on 20k a year.

There is a company not far from here who won't pay more than 13k yet demand a degree and 2 years industry experience. :eek:

Wow, that's bad. IT was supposed to be the promised land. :eek:
I sit here with mouth aghast....yep IT wages have tumbled...:eek::eek:

Wow, that's bad. IT was supposed to be the promised land. :eek:

Indeed, wasn't too long ago that 50k+ a year was normal. How times have changed, eh? Too many people flocked to IT which has pushed prices down. Add onto that the amount of people who'll "give it a go" and cost savings, without living in Londonland (or Merika), you'll struggle to get a good wage. Partly why I want out.
Wow, that's bad. IT was supposed to be the promised land. :eek:
A good friend of mine lives Manachester way and he is all Microsoft trained etc and he said it is difficult to get above 20-25k .... as you say it was touted as the promised land...
A good friend of mine lives Manachester way and he is all Microsoft trained etc and he said it is difficult to get above 20-25k .... as you say it was touted as the promised land...
Best thing about MS partnership is it usually costs more than the returns.
We pay close on for 10k a year to be an MS partner which means we get discounted training. Each test we have to do costs between 100 and 200 a punt. We need to take on average 7 a year per techie to keep MS partnership. But a lot of companies won't touch you without them. :(
There are several threads on this already but I will add this : Buying any pre-owned vehicle comes with a built in risk factor, no matter what make or model. Buy the best you can find for the budget you have, exactly the same as you would with any other veh. As I said on another thread asking the same thing, on an enthuisiast's site you will hear the bad as well as the good. Some on here have had hell with their vehs, some have had it good and others have found the middle road. Spend some time doing searches on here and you will find everything you need to know. Then go off with your eyes wide open and find the vehicle for you.
It comes down to one thing in the end: If you want an L322, buy one. Simples.

I had not read this before posting my 'platinum' comment on an another thread.. This is constructive.. I thank you!
I have no idea what platinum means but can only guess it's in keeping with the rest of the drivel you've posted. Had I known what you were going to be like I wouldn't have bothered.
Don't bother replying as I am going back to what I've been doing , ignoring you. Only reason I was reading this thread was for the conversation that had hijacked it.

On that note have you gone to bed Bixlite? :D

Yukkkkkkk. I am being soooo good staying away from all the comments I could make on that choice. :angel:
Christ you two.... :eek:

My answer was based on the fact that I am nursing a cracked filling at the moment and anything sweet sends shooting pains right through my tooth...

Not as you two filthy headed kids are sniggering about in the corner there....tut tut...!!

Would have expected more from a member of Her Majestys Armed Forces and a new Recruit! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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