What do you mean 'Snow Permitting...'??

Surely you should do your Fitness Training in all weathers....what happens if you are deployed in combat to Siberia....if you don't do your CFT in Snow how are you going to be prepared for it ?? :D:D:D

'Serious head on' : It's all about risk prevention. No point doing training(especially in my own time*) that may cause me injury, thereby preventing me being able to do my job in 'Siberia'. So if weather is such that the risk assessment makes injury during training a likelihood, then the training location/type is changed. Doesn't just apply in cold weather. CFTs are and have been held in snow but when the risk assessment becomes too great, they're not. Last one I did as an official CFT one of the lads broke his leg, after falling due to the ice under the snow! Needless to say the PTI who had done the risk assessment was invited to have an interview without coffee with his boss.
* If I went out, in my own time ,in adverse conditions and injured myself I am not covered by Army insurance or medical care and if the injury is serious and I have to be medically discharged I would not be entitled to rehab, etc, of any type 'Serious head off'

Normal head reply : You can bugger off I'm not going to Siberia , I've got it all arranged I only go to warm places :p So today's training was 40mins in an endless pool against the resistance (I was so cold I was turning shades of blue I've only ever seen on those non-descript RRs :D Then 40mins on the bike to try to get back to a normal temperature!
Vee, Ms Rover has to be careful. At her age her hips are fragile. :p

Yes, that too. I want to blame autocorrect but I turned it off. :(

I really hope your application gets accepted. BTW it is not Edinburgh I am looking at as my posting :D
'Serious head on' : It's all about risk prevention. No point doing training(especially in my own time*) that may cause me injury, thereby preventing me being able to do my job in 'Siberia'. So if weather is such that the risk assessment makes injury during training a likelihood, then the training location/type is changed. Doesn't just apply in cold weather. CFTs are and have been held in snow but when the risk assessment becomes too great, they're not. Last one I did as an official CFT one of the lads broke his leg, after falling due to the ice under the snow! Needless to say the PTI who had done the risk assessment was invited to have an interview without coffee with his boss.
* If I went out, in my own time ,in adverse conditions and injured myself I am not covered by Army insurance or medical care and if the injury is serious and I have to be medically discharged I would not be entitled to rehab, etc, of any type 'Serious head off'

Normal head reply : You can bugger off I'm not going to Siberia , I've got it all arranged I only go to warm places :p So today's training was 40mins in an endless pool against the resistance (I was so cold I was turning shades of blue I've only ever seen on those non-descript RRs :D Then 40mins on the bike to try to get back to a normal temperature!
*put in place* :eek::behindsofa:;):D
I really hope your application gets accepted. BTW it is not Edinburgh I am looking at as my posting :D
You looking to scare some Englisheses out of Pirbright I take it? The way things are going, it'll be late this year/early next by the time I see myself down there, if at all. So I've got plenty of time to build up some savings in UoG. I'll be so rich, I could get you a new zimmerframe. :D
You looking to scare some Englisheses out of Pirbright I take it? The way things are going, it'll be late this year/early next by the time I see myself down there, if at all. So I've got plenty of time to build up some savings in UoG. I'll be so rich, I could get you a new zimmerframe. :D

You're a good boy really ;)
Not sure where you got that idea from, but I'll take it. :p

You can pretend all you like but I've notice your concern for my fragile old bones and even making sure I've got a new zimmer*. :D

* Which is obviously just to slow me down so you can pass me on runs :p
You can pretend all you like but I've notice your concern for my fragile old bones and even making sure I've got a new zimmer*. :D

* Which is obviously just to slow me down so you can pass me on runs :p

I'd need more than a Zimmer to beat you in a race. :(

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