You must be very easily wound up if you think that comment requires me to 'chill'. Two boring bastids in one night , this site is slipping.


if its that boring than why are you still on here complaining how boring it is ??

this is not like you... i thought you was used to the banter that goes on here :(

if its that boring than why are you still on here complaining how boring it is ??

this is not like you... i thought you was used to the banter that goes on here :(

There's banter and there's Richards and tonight you're being a Richard and he/she is being a boring bastid . So you can both sit on the naughty step.
Not got the energy mate. Had 4 hrs PT this afternoon and being as old as I am that means I needed my zimmer to get home :D
4 hours, eh? How many times did you fall over this time?

No one in human history is as old as you are though. :p
4 hours, eh? How many times did you fall over this time?

No one in human history is as old as you are though. :p

No falls, to my surprise and theirs. I think the guy found in the ice a couple of years ago was almost as old but he doesn't count cos he cheated by being frozen.


Hmmmm , ok you can come off the step but don't forget it's there. A knackered , grumpy, old woman, with access to bang sticks, is not to be messed with ;)
No falls, to my surprise and theirs. I think the guy found in the ice a couple of years ago was almost as old but he doesn't count cos he cheated by being frozen.
Blimey, you must be getting more agile in your old age. Your hubby must be pleased. *snigger*
I think I'm just being careful. With my age and all it brings, osteoporosis and such like :) I still like your spirit ;)
This is true, I suspect it'd be embarrassing to break your hip with all of those young whipper snappers running around your feet, drawing on the walls with wax crayons and what have you.

Every time you say that, I get the feeling I've just signed up for one unit of grief when I'm back in Scotlandica.
This is true, I suspect it'd be embarrassing to break your hip with all of those young whipper snappers running around your feet, drawing on the walls with wax crayons and what have you.

Every time you say that, I get the feeling I've just signed up for one unit of grief when I'm back in Scotlandica.

Most of those young whipper snappers can't see my feet for dust let alone run around them. It's amazing how much faster I can go than them when I have a land rover and they're on foot :D
You will live in interesting times young man :)
Most of those young whipper snappers can't see my feet for dust let alone run around them. It's amazing how much faster I can go than them when I have a land rover and they're on foot :D
You will live in interesting times young man :)

When it starts anyway. All of the other times you need them to push. ;)

Assuming the ol' ticker is signed off. The waiting is on par with MoT Test season.
It teaches them team work :D

No word on the ticker yet?

True enough. You should upgrade to a Mastiff. Really make them work for their scoff.

If I don't hear by lunch Friday I need to phone them to chase it up again.
True enough. You should upgrade to a Mastiff. Really make them work for their scoff.

If I don't hear by lunch Friday I need to phone them to chase it up again.

Mastiffs are for trained soldiers to push, trainees get to push nice little Snatch* LRs.

Friday sounds like a good idea.

* Someone was having a snigger when those were named :eek:
Mastiffs are for trained soldiers to push, trainees get to push nice little Snatch* LRs.

Friday sounds like a good idea.

* Someone was having a snigger when those were named :eek:

*snigger* you said the S word. At my old age I should be exempt from heavy lifting.

Friday is when I was told to ring, the man on the phone said I should hear back before then but I doubt it now. Apparently I was removed from diff list and put on pending last week. Funfun.

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