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Also, i will need a doggy sitter if we're playing rounders because if she sees me running and there is a ball involved, it's all going to go wrong very quickly...
Also, i will need a doggy sitter if we're playing rounders because if she sees me running and there is a ball involved, it's all going to go wrong very quickly...

I baggsies dog sitter, with the proviso that we might just go home with her when you're not looking....
I baggsies dog sitter, with the proviso that we might just go home with her when you're not looking....

Oh erm... no? Who would i spoon when i'm falling asleep if you take my muttbutt? :eek::(

You wont actually want her, she is a little hell hound with zero respect for anything or anyone, she ate the head of her toy monkey and frequently rolls in poop. She also barks at random intervals during the night and will expect you to get up and walk her at 5.30am.
Don't panic! I have some yellow mollyform pads left over from my care days! There shall be no free flowing pee, we are prepared.

Fantastic...will ensure I camp downwind of everyone so no wafting of eau de toilet will be noticed :D
Oh erm... no? Who would i spoon when i'm falling asleep if you take my muttbutt? :eek::(

You wont actually want her, she is a little hell hound with zero respect for anything or anyone, she ate the head of her toy monkey and frequently rolls in poop. She also barks at random intervals during the night and will expect you to get up and walk her at 5.30am.

A typical dog then:D
We babysit two dogs at fairly regular intervals, both rescue dogs. One's my sister's, a Kelpie, smart as hell, a quick learner, and only ever seen her out-accelerated by a greyhound. Good as gold.

The other belongs to our daughter, a patterdale terrier. A dedicated runner-awayer, any open door and she's gone. She also attacks little fluffy white dogs as an automatic instinct. She will do anything we ask, as long as she knows there's a treat at the end of it. No treat, no cooperation. If she does walk past a little dog without causing trouble she sits and waits for a treat for being a good girl!

At 5:30 she'd have to walk herself though.
A typical dog then:D
We babysit two dogs at fairly regular intervals, both rescue dogs. One's my sister's, a Kelpie, smart as hell, a quick learner, and only ever seen her out-accelerated by a greyhound. Good as gold.

The other belongs to our daughter, a patterdale terrier. A dedicated runner-awayer, any open door and she's gone. She also attacks little fluffy white dogs as an automatic instinct. She will do anything we ask, as long as she knows there's a treat at the end of it. No treat, no cooperation. If she does walk past a little dog without causing trouble she sits and waits for a treat for being a good girl!

At 5:30 she'd have to walk herself though.

Purdey does as she is told most of the time but she does push her luck. You can doggy sit her :D hopefully we won't be playing rounders at 5.30am!! :eek:

P's favourite game is called 'the game' and consists of me throwing bits of carrot for her to chase and eat. I say 'peanut readyyyyy' and she bounces around and it's so cute... Ahhhh
Well, I will have my dog to add to the dog day care section, he is a black Pug called Colin and is an expert food thief and general beggar.
Hmmm rounders fair few years since i played! N i am prone to breaking my left ankle, done it twice already! Bit I'm up for a laugh :)
That's not nice! I'm telling my care worker :D

Good, they might give you a foam bat to play with away from the serious contenders :p

Hmmm rounders fair few years since i played! N i am prone to breaking my left ankle, done it twice already! Bit I'm up for a laugh :)

I've not played since i was a teenager. It'll be reet!

In the last year i've broken my toe twice, fractured my jaw, knackered my thumb and sprained my wrist - all from running about after a few beers :eek:
Good, they might give you a foam bat to play with away from the serious contenders :p

I've not played since i was a teenager. It'll be reet!

In the last year i've broken my toe twice, fractured my jaw, knackered my thumb and sprained my wrist - all from running about after a few beers :eek:

Lol ah but I've got a fair few years on you my bones are older :eek:
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