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I don't want to hear about make up on LZ latest :eek: lets concentrate on getting this event to be a success hey

Sorry boss... I shall get back to my new part time job ;)

Right girls... Let's get back to talking about TV's ....

Might bring my iPad... Without any make up tutorials on at all...

I'll pack my dress if I can get it back off Pikey....

Awww you'll look cracking! You going to wear it for the disco? You could get your make up done by mini Rachel but we aren't to discuss it on here :eek:
I'll pack my dress if I can get it back off Pikey....

Whose up for a game of rounders? Yorkshire v Rest of the world. I'll be back stop.

I'll bring my bat :)
SWMBO still resisting LZ11 talks - she says it becomes an 'open' topic after 3rd May.

I've just bought her a new mixxy thing for cake making as she were complaining that her old mixxy thing weren't right on Saturday when she was caking for Tom's birfday. New mixxy fing has a stand n a twirly bowl anorl - reet posh compared to her old thing that cost a tenner moons ago.
SWMBO still resisting LZ11 talks - she says it becomes an 'open' topic after 3rd May.

I've just bought her a new mixxy thing for cake making as she were complaining that her old mixxy thing weren't right on Saturday when she was caking for Tom's birfday. New mixxy fing has a stand n a twirly bowl anorl - reet posh compared to her old thing that cost a tenner moons ago.

Thant's the way to win her man..:cool:
That's me being thoughtful and paying attention to her needs.

She's a lucky girl what more can I say! :lol:
That's me being thoughtful and paying attention to her needs.

She's a lucky girl what more can I say! :lol:

Omg.. Wait till I see her.

"Ere, did you know that Mr Slapper thinks you can be won over by a kitchen appliance?....... It's true, I know, I'm so sorry, make him pay"
Whose up for a game of rounders? Yorkshire v Rest of the world. I'll be back stop.

I'll bring my bat :)

Any chance to relive the glory days of our youth. :)

A few years back we decided to for a pub football team. The first match we played a mate of mine made a break with the ball down the right wing. A couple of the younger lads on our side were sprinting down the centre.....

Their defence was wrong footed, keeper off his line and unsure what to do. My mate was glancing up, the younguns were on the edge of the box, the timing was perfect.....

In my minds eye I could see it unfolding beautifully, the ball soaring in a majestic arc into the centre......

What actually happened is he went to belt the ball.....missed completely and somehow managed, with different parts of his body heading in different directions, to knock himself out with his own elbow.

It was one of those special moments that have a unique beauty all of their own :D
The misses is up for a game of rounder's:)
Me anorl just keep a good strong battery and some claps handy just in case I have a relapse.:D:D
The misses is up for a game of rounder's:)
Me anorl just keep a good strong battery and some claps handy just in case I have a relapse.:D:D

Tis ok. You can go in first base. Me and you'll have a chair. As long as you can catch that's all that matters. As for getting a round. If they don't let us, I'll sulk back to the tent with my bat. Bwahahahaaaa
Tis ok. You can go in first base. Me and you'll have a chair. As long as you can catch that's all that matters. As for getting a round. If they don't let us, I'll sulk back to the tent with my bat. Bwahahahaaaa

I can be your runner :D
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