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So I've tried to find the prices of food can someone point me in the right direction, where i can find this out? Ta very muchly ps i mean bbq n curry before the supermarket gets mentioned! :)
Without searching through thread on phone etc. When does your child become an adult? ( I've fought my way through to computer and want to sort it while I'm still sane)
Without searching through thread on phone etc. When does your child become an adult? ( I've fought my way through to computer and want to sort it while I'm still sane)

Judging by personal experience I'd say mid 30s for most, for others possibly never.

I guess we're going for 16
Tickets bought :) however the printer spluttered, chewed up all the paper and died before I could print the third ticket. Can I just show you them on the phone?
I have to print a ticket? Sorry, I mean I have to get my responsible adult to print a ticket for me? Complicated, just spoke to my care worker and she thought you sent them out as she paid on PayPal? Dunno whats going on.
Ohhh gawd, there's going to be a queue at the gate... Though if we all just rush at them really fast they may have to just let us through. Stop crowd violence and all that.
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So, I phoned the old ball and chain, demanded to know why no ticket had been printed out and given to me as LZ are not posting them? She is in Wales right now, after being told I was acting like a 13 year old, she told me to go to her printer and if by magic the ticket appeared. Witch craft.
Do they sneak around at night? Am I likely to come across these stealthy wardens whilst quietly trekking over to the loos?

Last year they tried to be really subtle and sneak around at daybreak disguised as cows.....

A half dressed Pikey soon put paid to that :eek::eek:
So I've tried to find the prices of food can someone point me in the right direction, where i can find this out? Ta very muchly ps i mean bbq n curry before the supermarket gets mentioned! :)

Bacon butty .... £1

Hot dog... £1.50

Burger/Cheeseburger. .... £2

Chicken curry, rice and pitta... £3

Vegetable & bean chilli , rice and pitta....... £3
Bacon butty .... £1

Hot dog... £1.50

Burger/Cheeseburger. .... £2

Chicken curry, rice and pitta... £3

Vegetable & bean chilli , rice and pitta....... £3

That's so good!!! I can't wait!!! Yummmmm!! Will be my first BBQ of the year! :D
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