yu dont ya pm him and the two of yu go fur a ramble?

Ear daft, Georgia just pointed out the internet warrior bit in your sig, so we found this piccy, I think it bears a striking resemblance no?


:D :D :D
ffs, mek yer mind up, why the **** not???
Well to make things as plain as possible i can only say that i have never been laning in wales before and would not travel that far unless i had some one very clued up on the area to show us round the best bits worth doing. But as the main man has now pulled out, that is the end of it and i'm out of pocket on the accommodation as well as a few others.
ouch. sorry to hear you are out of pocket kris. last i heard was that after his little spat with 1dirtylandy he was carrying on. did he give a reason for pulling out?
a few of us have spent money - but it aint much - certainly not much compared with travelling that distance and possibly having to abort.

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