and i would have helped you out with more, but you wont help yourself was it to much to ask to rethink the route...
personally, i wouldnt do wayfarers as its over done, as is corwen carwash, and to be honest happy valley is alright in parts but most of it is a bit of a dirt track, there are plenty of lanes to be done in the area you are looking at without touching wayfarers or the carwash. why start in llangollen, when there are loads of decent lanes around chirk.
Well its a good thing your not coming then yella mate. Happy valley is a very technical lane and most injoyable, the carwash is good fun for those who want to do it, and those who dont can miss it out it just all works for me anyway
Evening 90boy.
I think I can safely say, on behalf of the S*L*U*T's who joined you in October, we had a very enjoyable day out with you and your good lady. The lanes we did were challenging, but nothing that would be too much for a newbie with the right guidence, and, when the cloud cleared, with some quite dramatic scenery. The chips we had at lunch time we very good, even in the rain.:bounce:
I almost wish we still had our names down as we now have another landie, but we can't really afford it.
All who attend will have a good day out and I don't think anyone will go home dissapointed.
Evening 90boy.
I think I can safely say, on behalf of the S*L*U*T's who joined you in October, we had a very enjoyable day out with you and your good lady. The lanes we did were challenging, but nothing that would be too much for a newbie with the right guidence, and, when the cloud cleared, with some quite dramatic scenery. The chips we had at lunch time we very good, even in the rain.:bounce:
I almost wish we still had our names down as we now have another landie, but we can't really afford it.
All who attend will have a good day out and I don't think anyone will go home dissapointed.

Thanks zan glad to hear it and if dirty has put any of you off please PM me
i dont understad what you mean by "happy valley is a very technical lane".

to be honest, your attitude of, well it works for me, isn really a good one. i don't doubt the guys that go with you will enjoy the lanes, but to be honest, i agree with what dirty is saying about there being a lot better lanes in the area for everyone. you are meant to be organising a laning trip for everyone not just showing people your own tried and trusted lanes. the area you are looking at is one of the most densly populated laning areas in the whole of the british isles and you are only doing the lanes that are done week in week out by all and sundry.
Then suggest some alternatives, as I believe there are some novices in the group
Shame he dont do the lag work on routes then, instead he just goes round nicking everyone elses help to make himself look the dandy, well not on my time, thank you, i was taken in at the start thinking he wanted genuine help, no no no, but if your to headstrong to see the light good luck to ya, cant be arsed anymore, just dont upset the locals again in that area, GOOD HUNTING
SIRUS THAT I HAVE TRIED BUT HE DONT WANT TO DO ANY WORK HIMSELF, JUST WANTS TO LOOK GOOD OF OTHERS, propper planing needed, that was my point, most people would put corwen offlimits at that time of year, due to deapth and water temp should the inevitable occur... was that thought of. JURY no no no. Wayferes has suffered a fair bashing and surface damage recently, has consideration been paid to standard vehicles, JURY, NO AGAIN, how many know the first lane is tarmac with potholes past the paintball area and on, happy valley is the only lane worth doing, you could have based yourself in Llangollen for two days and not crossed the same lane.. instead you drive 70 approx tarmac miles for no need, just to f*** of the locals whom are fed up week after week.....
SIRUS THAT I HAVE TRIED BUT HE DONT WANT TO DO ANY WORK HIMSELF, JUST WANTS TO LOOK GOOD OF OTHERS, propper planing needed, that was my point, most people would put corwen offlimits at that time of year, due to deapth and water temp should the inevitable occur... was that thought of. JURY no no no. Wayferes has suffered a fair bashing and surface damage recently, has consideration been paid to standard vehicles, JURY, NO AGAIN, how many know the first lane is tarmac with potholes past the paintball area and on, happy valley is the only lane worth doing, you could have based yourself in Llangollen for two days and not crossed the same lane.. instead you drive 70 approx tarmac miles for no need, just to f*** of the locals whom are fed up week after week.....
I am not going to say it all again
Right chaps having Lived travelled and laned in Nth Wales for a lot and having a rough idea of where this route goes. I've decided it's not for me this weekend. for the distance travelled it's not worth the amount of lanes involved and if the weather is bad especially if it rains heavily. Alternative routes will be needed if they haven't been planned then the whole weekend will be a waste of time. The wayfarer in Heavy rain is a major no go unless you are an experienced greenlaner.
What's with all this muck flinging guys?

You've ALL got valid points regarding some issues with this trip.
I'm going to rightly or wrongly stick my big oar in here and try to put some perspective on things....

are we still on or off, camping or not, etc etc. what is the level of vehicles, mods or not, driver experiance or newbies, have various routes from prev expos at hand all over wales. Q, i heard mention in the early days u had corwen car wash down as a poss, has the time of year and river deapth been taken into account for a safe crossing which you are leading others into???....

These are all very similar issues that we S*L*U*Ts have to deal with in 'organising' every trip we lay on.
We have learnt that those that are organising all communicate privately before agreeing on the final gameplan and then going public on the forum.
Consideration has to be made for each and every individual regarding type of vehicle and ability so as to minimise chances of an incident.

Well as i have done 5 or 6 trips to wales with people off here mondo i think i know my way around very well and with dirtys help leading the other group it will be a great weekend for all taking loads of lanes and a bit of water at corwen as well:D :D

I can confirm that 90boy does know his route well and has a sympathetic attitude towards his guests who do not.

Right then folks, i have given this much thought, and if route revisions are not carried out to give a memorable weekend with good routes and safety considered to those following, aswell as thought paid to the residents along the route i will be declining my offer of help at presant... i have a vast database of routes but at the same time i'm not going to do all the work for someone elses trip, as i will not have my good name smeared as part of a poor planed route, as any whom have laned prior with me will vouch to i know what im doing when it comes to trip planing... that is in no way a direct comment to you or your skills 90boy but i feel more thought is needed...

Perhaps this should really have been dealt with in private as a PM, but again a valid point.
As a comparison, when we did our recent S*L*U*Ts chip run, we went to huge lengths to ensure that we did not alienate the local fraternity through overuse of the lanes and where necessary the route was altered.
Alot of the success of this trip was down to possessing an intimate knowledge of the local area.

ok mate if thats how you feel there no problem i am sure one of the S*L*U*T*S who came with me last time will say how great the route was and how memorable

That is what I am doing now 90boy - I really enjoyed the day out and the scenery rivalled what I've been lucky enough to have been born into here in Dorset.

it is nothing personel mate but my phone has not stopped ringing with warnings from others, some whom have been on your routes before, some who know of you, and others just showing concern, you will find i am a resonable chap all i ask is you revise the route and show considaration to the ones you lead and a worthwhile route and my offer of help with route and helping lead still stands... surely thats fair...

No phone calls from me!
Why would anyone turn down an offer of helpful information which could expand his knowledge of the area?

it is of very poor quality i feel, if you was to travel a fair distance for a weekend of this you would go home dissapointed i feel, you could get in far more off tarmac millage than you are at presant, at the end of the day the aim is to lane not drive past them and wave,,,, and at the same time you need to cater for everyones needs and abillitys and vehicle abillity and set everyone home with a smile... more planing is the key to a succsefull weekend to be had....

I travelled up from Dorset and had a bloody good day out!
Catering for everyones needs and ability, (be it driver or vehicle ability) is of paramount importance!
Planning and more planning including a plan B is essential.

Driver abillitys will be fine there is always going to be somebody there to give advise and watch though if needed.
And as for not doing some lanes we are doing enough will take us from 9 am to 6pm that is long enough

Never assume anything, complete novices are very unpredictable.
9 am start, OK, 6 pm finish will mean driving Happy Valley mostly in the twilight or darkness.

as a local, i know pretty much all the lanes around this area, there are a lot of lanes around here that are pretty much unused and more enjoyable than the regular lanes that everyone does week after week. ive been out with dirty and he knows his stuff, he also has a vast knowledge of the local lanes in the area. where does your route take you, and what lanes are you using?

Local knowledge on offer maybe from Yella!
Another experienced guy whose knowledge could be beneficial if he is willing to offer it.

Right fair enough but you could have made it far easier and memorable for yourself, and others, everyone remembers the big name lanes, and they get hammered week in week out by various groups and all we do is make a rod for our back with the locals, we could have got far more millage in localy and a mixture of challanges to suit all. anyhow good luck, wish you all the best with it, and possibly catch you again in the future on another venture, happy laning...

Another valid point regarding overuse of some lanes.
You get it down this way as well, that's why we make a point of exploring and learning new territory to minimise overuse.

i dont understad what you mean by "happy valley is a very technical lane".

For someone inexperienced who has not driven that type of terrain before it would be classed as being very technical.

SIRUS THAT I HAVE TRIED BUT HE DONT WANT TO DO ANY WORK HIMSELF, JUST WANTS TO LOOK GOOD OF OTHERS, propper planing needed, that was my point, most people would put corwen offlimits at that time of year, due to deapth and water temp should the inevitable occur... was that thought of. JURY no no no. Wayferes has suffered a fair bashing and surface damage recently, has consideration been paid to standard vehicles, JURY, NO AGAIN, how many know the first lane is tarmac with potholes past the paintball area and on, happy valley is the only lane worth doing, you could have based yourself in Llangollen for two days and not crossed the same lane.. instead you drive 70 approx tarmac miles for no need, just to f*** of the locals whom are fed up week after week.....

Now I would agree that if something were to go drastically wrong at Corwen at this time of year the risk of hypothermia or worse is heightened.

Perhaps you should consider what Happy Valley would be like to drive as an inexperienced driver, particularly in the event of snow or ice.
Please take into account the time of day (it will be getting dark, driver fatigue will be an issue).
I remember a rocky ledge not much wider than the Disco with a steep drop to the passenger side. What if something were to go wrong here?

Now I've not come on here to knock anyone, just to make and raise a few points as I see them having done this route in October.

90boy is a likeable young man who is enthusiastic and passionate about his hobby.
With guidance (if he chooses to listen), he will become an extremely knowledgable and experienced member of the Off Road community, an asset in the making perhaps?

Remember when we were all 21 years old?

Let's give 90boy guidance and encouragement - not condemnation. ;)
What's with all this muck flinging guys?

You've ALL got valid points regarding some issues with this trip.
I'm going to rightly or wrongly stick my big oar in here and try to put some perspective on things....

These are all very similar issues that we S*L*U*Ts have to deal with in 'organising' every trip we lay on.
We have learnt that those that are organising all communicate privately before agreeing on the final gameplan and then going public on the forum.
Consideration has to be made for each and every individual regarding type of vehicle and ability so as to minimise chances of an incident.

I can confirm that 90boy does know his route well and has a sympathetic attitude towards his guests who do not.

Perhaps this should really have been dealt with in private as a PM, but again a valid point.
As a comparison, when we did our recent S*L*U*Ts chip run, we went to huge lengths to ensure that we did not alienate the local fraternity through overuse of the lanes and where necessary the route was altered.
Alot of the success of this trip was down to possessing an intimate knowledge of the local area.

That is what I am doing now 90boy - I really enjoyed the day out and the scenery rivalled what I've been lucky enough to have been born into here in Dorset.

No phone calls from me!
Why would anyone turn down an offer of helpful information which could expand his knowledge of the area?

I travelled up from Dorset and had a bloody good day out!
Catering for everyones needs and ability, (be it driver or vehicle ability) is of paramount importance!
Planning and more planning including a plan B is essential.

Never assume anything, complete novices are very unpredictable.
9 am start, OK, 6 pm finish will mean driving Happy Valley mostly in the twilight or darkness.

Local knowledge on offer maybe from Yella!
Another experienced guy whose knowledge could be beneficial if he is willing to offer it.

Another valid point regarding overuse of some lanes.
You get it down this way as well, that's why we make a point of exploring and learning new territory to minimise overuse.

For someone inexperienced who has not driven that type of terrain before it would be classed as being very technical.

Now I would agree that if something were to go drastically wrong at Corwen at this time of year the risk of hypothermia or worse is heightened.

Perhaps you should consider what Happy Valley would be like to drive as an inexperienced driver, particularly in the event of snow or ice.
Please take into account the time of day (it will be getting dark, driver fatigue will be an issue).
I remember a rocky ledge not much wider than the Disco with a steep drop to the passenger side. What if something were to go wrong here?

Now I've not come on here to knock anyone, just to make and raise a few points as I see them having done this route in October.

90boy is a likeable young man who is enthusiastic and passionate about his hobby.
With guidance (if he chooses to listen), he will become an extremely knowledgable and experienced member of the Off Road community, an asset in the making perhaps?

Remember when we were all 21 years old?

Let's give 90boy guidance and encouragement - not condemnation. ;)

Thanks Boomer they are all good points i have got a plan B and C for route changes not that dirty will have you belive that.
As for the laning depending on the weather we might well miss out certain lanes depending on time and the conditions.
Thanks again mate:D :D
I and others who are coming willl be on hand to help newbies and advise
well said, Boomer. It never does any harm to listen to other peoples opinions and ideas. You never know - they might know something you dont. There is a difference between helpful advice and slagging someone off tho.

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