Can you make a bit more effort please. The other two groups are full and I have had to add more.

Mine isn't :(:(
It's a good 200 miles each way for me too. I'm just making a weekend of it. You won't get the types of lanes and scenery around here ;)
It's a good 200 miles each way for me too. I'm just making a weekend of it. You won't get the types of lanes and scenery around here ;)

I know but I gotta convince the missus that's it is a good idea travelling so far when there are lanes round here to explore first!
What he really means is he's taking his Freelander away for the weekend and the wife and kids are coming too.
Ahhh -taking the freelander away for a romantic weekend... The seat cover is just for decoration then? :bolt:
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Taking a Freelander away for a mucky weekend is just that. But you have to wash the muck oft after which gets boring after a while. Seat covers can be used as a ground sheet for road side repairs.
I didn't realise seat covers had a different meaning. Learn somefink new every day on ere...

We should get back on topic. The tratterers want us to take them oft roading.
I didn't realise seat covers had a different meaning. Learn somefink new every day on ere...

We should get back on topic. The tratterers want us to take them oft roading.

LOL even I knew that :p

But yes, we definitely need you lot to take us off roading :D:D:D
So is no one else interested.

So far we have two possibles :D

Well at least you cant say we dont invite you :D:D
You have invited us a few times suew

The problem for me and a few others is distance.

I live in South London....... I love the Dales, but for a weekend, it is a long way up the M1. All the way almost. Many hours and hundreds of miles. I have no problem with either-I drove to Skye earlier this year, 2000 miles in 2 weeks. But it was for 2 weeks, not 1 1/2days.

Now if it were in the South, that would be different. :D
You have invited us a few times suew

The problem for me and a few others is distance.

I live in South London....... I love the Dales, but for a weekend, it is a long way up the M1. All the way almost. Many hours and hundreds of miles. I have no problem with either-I drove to Skye earlier this year, 2000 miles in 2 weeks. But it was for 2 weeks, not 1 1/2days.

Now if it were in the South, that would be different. :D

Man up! I drove my series one from surrey to cumbria! With no doors on I might add!
I have done both days routes tonight.

Obviously no promises but all easy lanes suitable for anyone with some terrific views.

If anyone wants to be more adventurous there are harder ones which we will pass and I know them all if anyone wants a go at them.

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