What the ****?

Tis simple enuff I was supposed to be going with Mrs B, & we was sharing the driving. If those plans have changed and Mrs B wants to take a different Co-driver. Then it's **** all to do with you. If I then decide I would like to go in my 90 anyway, then that's between me and 90Boy. Now where in that scenario is your input required???
Now where in that scenario is your input required???

The bit where I tell you to put your handbag away?

And point out that I was on the phone to choppa and asked if he was coming to wales, to which he replied I don't know. So I asked if he was coming.

Not that it's any of your business :)
The bit where I tell you to put your handbag away?

And point out that I was on the phone to choppa and asked if he was coming to wales, to which he replied I don't know. So I asked if he was coming.

Not that it's any of your business :)

I'm sorry I didn't realise you had been handed control of the planning for this trip. And I'm sure that neither Mrs B nor Choppa asked you to interfere either. Like I said it's fook all to do with you who is or isn't going or who's vehicle they go in.

And don't get snotty with me ya little ****. Or I'll kick you all the way from Llangollen to Aberdovey. At least then yu won't have to worry about running out of fuel.
Seriously what the **** is wrong with you? PM us??

I was on the phone to choppa, he said he didnt know if he was comin or not, or what was goin on.. so I said oh I'll see whos on the list.. I don't see why that is such a personal question. I don't know what it's got to do with you, and quite honestly I don't want to know. I don't know HOW I've offended you to be honest.
Seriously what the **** is wrong with you? PM us??

I was on the phone to choppa, he said he didnt know if he was comin or not, or what was goin on.. so I said oh I'll see whos on the list.. I don't see why that is such a personal question. I don't know what it's got to do with you, and quite honestly I don't want to know. I don't know HOW I've offended you to be honest.

read the fooking posts then I thought I made it very clear in them why it's none of your business. If yu was on the phone to Choppa then yu'll have known he wouldn't be on the list because neither me, him or Mrs B have had a chance to clear OUR!! change of plans, with 90boy. Once we have discussed it with him then I'm sure the list will get changed if deemed necessary.
Am rilly not interested in your plans to be honest, I was just asking if choppa was coming. yes no or maybe would of been fine, without launching into all of this! Not how when where and why, just if. less get this sortid looks like a falling out over nothing to me.
You can Nelly
1.Me and Mrs
4.Mrs b with pikey
5.1dirtylandy leader of other group:D
9.pintsize in her rav4:confused:

I have got a few mabes to:D

Put me down too. However, looks like ya list is getting looong... So if I come with a couple of others then maybe we will follow the route seperatly so as not to have too many trekkin down the lanes together?
Do you have a planned route? On memory map maybe?

Whats the matter with you all not camping? Bit of cold never hurt anyone? Nothing a camp fire wont sort out! lol
Put me down too. However, looks like ya list is getting looong... So if I come with a couple of others then maybe we will follow the route seperatly so as not to have too many trekkin down the lanes together?
Do you have a planned route? On memory map maybe?

Whats the matter with you all not camping? Bit of cold never hurt anyone? Nothing a camp fire wont sort out! lol

we are going in 2 groups so we will be split up anyway.

Yes we have got a planed route but not on mem map do it the old fashioned was with maps:D

Nelly, pikey, mrs b and choppa let me know who is coming in what and with who when you do thanks
me n rick r gona take his 90 cos hanna has a pooped gear box, pikey is off in his 90.............unless anyone else changes it without telling me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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