Aye, noted for future reference :D

Collecting the third attempt casing this afternoon - reverse idler is NOT being removed from the centre plate :D

Can't wait to see what difference the V8 5th gearset makes to top end.
Raining today so the head swap is off.

Decided to get cracked on with the gearbox rebuild that's been on the back burner for a while.

2 attempts to fit a reverse idler to cases ended up with 2 cracked centre plates, oops!

Anyhow I snagged a spare 300TDI R380 box from a mate on here (ta!), so I set about disassembling it today.

Here's the all important replacement centre plate (needs to be kept with the matched main case), the idler is staying put this time:

Everything is in really good shape considering the age of the box, no obvious signs of wear at all other than the baulk rings:

Rear support bearings all good and the filter is crud free:

Layshaft and rev/5th lay gears in great shape, and the selector yokes are better than the 2 sets I have from the D2 boxes so will be getting used in the hybrid:

Carnage in the shed, and the all important main case centre of image:

Just need to clean up and paint the case now.
Well, we're back in business :5bsmash:

phil540uk very kindly donated me a D2 R380 which has duff syncro's - so I now have a case I can use to crack on with the rebuild. Chucked him a slab of beer in thanks, can't believe how great folks are on this forum!

Cleared all the duff crap out of the shed, trailer has 3 trashed R380's in it, 1 autobox (mint), 1 duff cylinder head and a whole host of other scrap to get weighed in.

If anyone ever needs a specific part just sing out!

Hope SWMBO doesn't get oo narked at me being in the shed all chrimbo :D:D
Good to meet you yesterday Ben. Looking forward to seeing your progress on this!

Oh and cheers for the beer too :beer2:
So here's the new case, bit mucky...

Gave it a quick jetwash to save getting mud all over the shed...

Then got the gear puller on to pull the oil seal collar.... Didn't go to plan, the collar is tighter than a nun's flaps, snapped the thread of the puller leg. Got the MAPP gas on the collar and tried the other legs only for one of those to snap too :( Think the world is trying to tell me something

Gearbox 1, Ben 0:

Time for some beer
@Jamesmartin, I might have to come over on a mercy mission, fuel cost got to be less than buying a decent new puller! Do you want a trailer full of gearbox parts too? :D
Any tips for removing these collars, I've done 3 no bother so far with the same puller - wonder if this one is locktighted...
Is it a decent one Aaron? Wouldn't want this swine to snap that too :D Anyhow had a good tip from gemsdad, get some decent new legs machined up in better quality steel!

A hydraulic sykes pickavant one, seems ok to me.
Welcome to have a go for me, I've also get a similar non hydraulic one like you.
Ooh Sykes Pickavant, posh bugger ;)

I'll see how I get on and give you a shout, Donny's a bit closer than Louth :D

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