I'm in two minds whether or not to go. I'm going to a Mini show at Stanford Hall in Northampton on Sunday, so it's kind of on my way. I'd only be going for a look around, and then drive the off road course. Seems like a bit of a rip off at £15 for a 40min drive. Whatcha reckon? Off road course worth paying the money for?

Having said that, its been a long time since ive got me tyres muddy..
Just getting ready to head of ta peterborough, got a landy full of tools an an ipod full of tunes, 6 landys, 3hr drive, at least one of em gotta break:eek::D:D
Done me checks and had 2 new tyres fitted to the front of the 110. Its only taken 18 mnths to get 2 spare tyres.
So whens the meet up happening then? We should be there about 9.30 ish. Bringing the tribe so whinging kids will be in tow.

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