Yes it was a shame that D4x4 couldn't attend.........very inconsiderate of em not supplying a tent......Next time a certain someone should check the list of companies attending before hand:doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:

I was asking if anyone had seen 50p but all I got was strange looks:D:D:D
Yes it was a shame that D4x4 couldn't attend.........very inconsiderate of em not supplying a tent......Next time a certain someone should check the list of companies attending before hand:doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:

I was asking if anyone had seen 50p but all I got was strange looks:D:D:D

Yup, i walked round Friday night (got a few great bargains too) and couldn't for the life of me find D 4x4, so assumed it was cus it was dark, then tried again on Sat and concluded they just weren't there.

Can i make a suggestion for next year? Everyone who went i assume paid £15 for a ticket for one day? If you go with a club its £10 for the whole weekend with camping. A club could be you and a mate. So, if Landyzone goes as a club, and buys tickets for everyone, everyone could save some money - camping as an individual costs £60 or £70 i heard!!!

Good show though, and met up with one Landyzone member who kindly bought his Nanocom along to sort out a few things on my Disco :)
i apologise for the lack of devon 4X4 its the first show i have been to where they were not in attendance,

i will check better next time

also i had plans to create a 'club' type group camping for next years billing show so we can all be in one place
i apologise for the lack of devon 4X4 its the first show i have been to where they were not in attendance,

Rumour has it they won't be at any from now on. Basically it takes 3 or 4 days to pack up shop to go, 1 day to set up, 1 day to take down and 3 days to get the shop back in order - and - basically it's not worth their time and effort for the money they make.

Fair really!
2 trips round the off-road course, I thought about doing the "Red" route through the mud hole, then thought better of it. I recon I would have made it, but I didn't fancy a 90 min drive home with wet pants.

a couple of guys tried it and failed. I couldn't really see why it was stopping everybody.

First failure.



Second guy, this was never going to happen.




Spotted "Rusty Rhinos" in the car park.

I would be u for club camping but the baby waking up every 2 hours, dont think that would go down well with peeps.

It was quite good, we enjoyed ourselves...basically wandered around looking at old metal in trays and shiney metal things on trade stands which would not fit my car even if I wanted them. Bought a set of second hand scruffy light guards and a jack stay and almost bought a shovel mount kit.

What bargains did you find?

Thanks for the spot :)
I would be u for club camping but the baby waking up every 2 hours, dont think that would go down well with peeps.

Firstly, why not? Went to a massive scout camp with my sister's 7 week old baby - staying in a tent and that worked out ok :)

Secondly, you dont have to camp, even just to get into the show a 'camping' ticket at £10 is less than a day ticket at £15!

Got a Jerry at £5 and a spout at £3.50 on the Friday, H/K subs for the Disco in the surround for £5 (bargain in my opinion) EGR by-pass kit for the disco at standard price and a few stickers.

Was tempted by a heater matrix / fan for the series to go inside, but, couldn't make my mind up so left it, at £15 should have probably taken it.
Well mainly because I dont want to keep people awake or **** people off! I will see how the little one is like as he gets older, might be a quiet one, you never know!

Yeah I saw the heater for £15, looked decent.

True r.e camping ticket...makes more sense as it is cheaper! I want to do Manby and Peterborough next year.
great day out! got everthing i went for, side steps, black chequer plate wing tops, new spare wheel cover, rear view mirros. clear indicators. best of all when we parked up this gentlemen next to us asked if we allready had tickets which we didnt, he then said well my 2 daughters let me down so ive got 2 spare tickets, giz a tenna and there yours!! if your on here pal thanks for that mate. top bloke

what a good show and the amount of spares was unreal

a few were a bit dodgy though, 1 bloke had a complete td5 pick up with no i.d on it. engine fire so was breaking it or selling it whole for 3k. Wheres the i.d though??

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