I have a similar looking winch made by Come Up but its only 6,000lb as was much more expensive. It's OK for occasional use but if you wanted something for regular heavy use I wish I had bought a hydraulic one instead. Usual case of you gets what you pay for

or is it cheap ****e:confused: :confused:


do yerself a favour Becks, go 4 the best. i learnt the hard way. if u really need a winch cos u into heavy offroading, the last thing ya want is for it ta go belly-up on ya when ya really need it. u may only ever need ta use it once, but ya only need 1 time ta be in the ****e and it packs up. i watched my landy completely disappear in heavy surf coz my winch [a cheapy] was not waterprufe and the tide was rising. Warn or better is the way ta go.
thats wot i got. and i reckon its great . very very strong winch but its very slow. also the wireless remote is crap. apart from that i would recomend them . i paid 210 for mine. and its a real beast .good luck
you said splash of water

meaning .... anything electrical isnt going to like water - even a splash, you'll find that even those winches that are supposed to be waterproof will only stay that way fer so long before you have to replace seals/gaskets etc

whereas the winch i mentioned would work at the bottom of the sea if need be, and keep working

but then Trifors arent very bling

or is it cheap ****e:confused: :confused:


Warn or better is the way ta go.

whatdaa mean "OR BETTER"?...

there is no better ;)

get a warn or superwinch. i picked up an M8000 for £150 with uprated goodwinch bowmotor and albright solonoid. the bargains to crop up, keep your eyes peeled.

as other people have said, you dont want it to stop working when you need it most. usually when your on your own in the middle of nowhere in the dark and rain.

tirfor for backup would also be nice. i just picked up an (1600kg?) with new cable for £20 :D joy. hopefully there is no stopping me now!


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