
following an off road jaunt through bracken and bumpy bits I noticed a rubber tube (maybe a quarter of an inch thick and hollow)hanging down from the rear axle onto the ground. It originated on the top of the round bar to the left of the rear axle (looking at it from the back). It ends with a 90 degree bend about an inch and attaches to a clip near about a foot from the right hand wheel to hold it in place. Iam :confused: and :( that it might be meant to insert into something. Has any one any ideas????
Sounds like your axle breather has fallen off. Have a closer lok at the top of the axle casing and you should find where it's come from.
Thanks Hughsie, it was was a breather tub, brought it back to the dealer. While I was there I priced a new winch and bumper and was quoted 900 euro or 1200 sterling.
Anyone got ideas for a cheaper way of doing it without compromising safety
yes... NEVER go to a dealer!

Get one online and then fit it yourself OR get a local independant garage to fit it.
ee couldn't even push his own breather tube back on. do yer relly fink he's gonna be able to fit his own winch?
It is structural, it holds the ends of the chassis rails together, apparently.

Theres normally a good selection on ebay, and they are easy to fit yourself, if you can undo 4 bolts.

I couldn't, it took me 2 days to just remove my bumper, cos the bolts had rusted and either sheared or simply wouldn't turn at all. Broke them in the end and fitted shiny new hardend ones!

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