Hope you are not holding it near your scrotum as you type, it has one of the worst rf emmission levels of any device on the market, might be enough to microwave your bollocks:eek: Add to that it has a reputation for dropping calls, still brand junkies will love it regardless:rolleyes:

You may not have realised, but mobile phones are designed to emit rf..
You may not have realised, but mobile phones are designed to emit rf..

You may not have realised that some emit much higher levels of RF than others, the iphone 4 is reportedly among the worst, being close to the EU safe limit.:p:p:p
You may not have realised that some emit much higher levels of RF than others, the iphone 4 is reportedly among the worst, being close to the EU safe limit.:p:p:p

And there lies the problem heh the EU rules nanny state et al :p
And there lies the problem heh the EU rules nanny state et al :p

Really? Microwave radiation is what is used to cook things, there are well documented cases of frequent mobile phone users developing brain tumours. The temperature rise in the brain behind the ear is measurable particularly in children. In this case it is not so much Nanny State, as protecting users from unscrupulous mobile phone manufacturers who care not one jot if their phone kills you:p
Really? Microwave radiation is what is used to cook things, there are well documented cases of frequent mobile phone users developing brain tumours. The temperature rise in the brain behind the ear is measurable particularly in children. In this case it is not so much Nanny State, as protecting users from unscrupulous mobile phone manufacturers who care not one jot if their phone kills you:p

Load of bollocks mate. You are talking a load of arse.
Load of bollocks mate. You are talking a load of arse.

Have it your own way brand junky I'm only quoting from reports on the subject as it is something that affects me:p
The reason limits in SAR are needed is to protect thicko's like you from themselves.
Have it your own way brand junky I'm only quoting from reports on the subject as it is something that affects me:p
The reason limits in SAR are needed is to protect thicko's like you from themselves.

Dead right Data, the idea of microwave ovens came about when a radar technician noticed a bar of chocolate in his pocket had melted as he tested a wave tube. Until that moment he had not realised his work was slowly killing him. Mobile phones are very small micowave ovens stuck next to your ear. If you stood in front of a fighter jet with it's targeting radar switched on it would fry you pretty quickly.
Dead right Data, the idea of microwave ovens came about when a radar technician noticed a bar of chocolate in his pocket had melted as he tested a wave tube. Until that moment he had not realised his work was slowly killing him. Mobile phones are very small micowave ovens stuck next to your ear. If you stood in front of a fighter jet with it's targeting radar switched on it would fry you pretty quickly.

If you stood in a bonfire it would burn you up quite fast.

But stand in front of an electric fire and it keeps you warm without killing you.

There is an issue of scale here guys. Data is talking rubbish.
If you stood in a bonfire it would burn you up quite fast.

But stand in front of an electric fire and it keeps you warm without killing you.

There is an issue of scale here guys. Data is talking rubbish.

Not entirely, mobile phones do give off microwave radiation. There are set safe limits, some say those limits are set too high. A very simular thing to those who say passive smoking is dangerous, scientifically proven not to be because the carsonogenics in it are almost unmeasurable. But we still have a smoking ban. Whilst the same chemicals given off by vehicle engines go off scale when measured. Some scientists say having a phone clamped on your ear is far more dangerous to your health than smoking. Suppose if we get lots of people with tumors in their heads we will know for sure if phones are dangerous.
I've had chocolate melt in my pocket too - and I just thought it was body heat - maybe it was the natural background radiation melting it :(.

we're all doomed i tell ya...........

I've had chocolate melt in my pocket too - and I just thought it was body heat - maybe it was the natural background radiation melting it :(.

we're all doomed i tell ya...........


Scoff as much as you like but that story is true.
I aint scoffing, Wammers - I already had too much to eat :rolleyes:

But OXO has a point - its a degree of scale, and as you mention - the jury is still out as to whether the "safety" level is set correctly.
I aint scoffing, Wammers - I already had too much to eat :rolleyes:

But OXO has a point - its a degree of scale, and as you mention - the jury is still out as to whether the "safety" level is set correctly.

Yeah that is true the jury is still out on phones. But why did the jury bring in a verdict of guilty as charged for passive smoking which is scientifically proven to be relitivly harmless? Is it that people are only scared by things they can see, when in fact it maybe things they can't see, potentially doing the most damage?
Walking down a street busy with vehicles is far, far more of a threat to health than sitting in a pub full of fag smoke. But people breath car fumes in without much thought, but sitting in a smokey pub scares them to death.
For what its worth I have an email from Storey a couple of weeks ago saying he was expecting it to be 250 DOLLARS not EUROS unless someone else's info is more up to date. That's about 150 - 160 pounds. As for the laptop, well I already have one with Rave and Microcat on it so I won't factor that as an additional cost. Fair enough if others do, just not an issue for me.
For what its worth I have an email from Storey a couple of weeks ago saying he was expecting it to be 250 DOLLARS not EUROS unless someone else's info is more up to date. That's about 150 - 160 pounds. As for the laptop, well I already have one with Rave and Microcat on it so I won't factor that as an additional cost. Fair enough if others do, just not an issue for me.

Yeah around $250.00 for the lead and software is free and expandable. And will work on the same laptop you use for EASunlock. Not locked to any vehicle, does Disco, P38 and L322. The potential seems staggering for the Land Rover community. How the hell can anyone knock that? The wait has got to be worth it and even if the price goes up and it's not immediatly as comprehensive as some stuff around it has to be worth a punt for most people. We know there is some good commercial stuff around, but it is just too bloody expensive for the average Joe to buy, the stuff that is slightly more affordable is restricted in it's use. To be honest if Storey Wilson can get his act together, and does not get greedy, he and us alike could be on a real breakthrough with this system.

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYGAjLd-lWg&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - Rover All Comms - Video Update - Beta 2[/nomedia]

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